
Responses from big_greg

Another Cart opinion thread....
Not really out of the box, just trying to help save someone from wasting a bunch of money based on my own experience.  You can usually pick up used Music Hall 5.X and 7.X for around $400-$600 for the 5.x and $700-$900 for the 7.X and probably find... 
Another Cart opinion thread....
Here's a different idea.  Don't invest any money in that table.  If you're not happy with the way it sounds now, buy a better turntable.I started out with a Music Hall 2.2, added a the speed box, put on an acrylic platter, and put a couple of bett... 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Listening to my other MOFI (single 33 RPM disc) Alan Parsons I Robot. 
Need to replace my Rotel RMB-1095 . suggestions pls
I'd look into getting the Rotel repaired.  If it's not possible or too expensive, I'd take a look at the Emotiva line of amplifiers.  I had a RMB-1095 and still have an Emotiva XPA-5 Gen II.  Both are fine for home theater and I'd describe them as... 
What are you streaming tonight?
I have to admit it confused me too.  When I saw the "spinning" topic I immediately thought of vinyl, and "don't we already have a thread for that?".  "Streaming" seems like a better descriptor. 
Shelter 501 mkii then what now
I've had retips done by both Andy Kim and Soundsmith.  I was happy with both, but liked using Andy a little better because he was local (at the time) and got the job done pretty quickly.  Perhaps if I had a new copy of the same cartridge with the ... 
Please find the excuses for me not to buy Stax 009S headphone
I've bought most of my headphones "pre-owned" so most were already burned in.  Of the new ones I've bought, my Massdrop Fostex T-XO didn't sound very good at first.  I didn't keep track of the time, but after maybe 30-40 hours, they sounded much b... 
Rec Out to Headphone Amp
Yes.  I used the Tape Out on my Modwright LS-100 and Record Out on my AR LS-26. 
I am the most lucky guy
@shkong78  I have a number of friends that have moved to Arizona over the last few years.  I scratch my head in wonder.  That type of heat is not for me.I have some great sounding headphones, my LCD-4 are my favorites and sound as good or better t... 
I am the most lucky guy
I just went outside to let the dog out and it is starting to sprinkle. It’s a nice 75 degrees though here in Olympia, so I’m not going to complain. I’d rather have 75 than 90’s.I recently had A/C installed and haven't really needed it, other than ... 
Whats playing on your system today?
Miles Davis - Blue Miles - CD 
Your last concert was to see who and when?
@reubent She did have a stand on stage, I assume it was lyrics.  
Whats on your turntable tonight?
The Alan Parsons Project- I Robot - MFSL.  I've heard I Robot many times, but the MOFI is fantastic! 
What are you streaming tonight?
Uber, 10CC seemed to be masters of the studio as well as writing great pop songs. Art For Art's Sake off the album you mentioned and I'm not in love are both great for showing off your system. 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Cowboy Junkies - The Trinity Session