
Responses from big_greg

Separate subs for music and HT/surround
I'm not sure how this applies to the gear that you have, but my system initially started out more for home theater and over the years the focus has shifted to two channel listening.  I have 4 subs plus a HSU MBM-12 (12" "mid-bass module").The four... 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Van Morrison - Keep Me Singing 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Cecil Taylor Quartet - Looking Ahead 
It’s you.
Unfortunately, it's the nature of internet platforms. I belong to an in person audio club and we all have different gear, different approaches to getting the best sound, different tastes, etc., but other than some good natured ribbing everyone is ... 
Special pressing LPs when the master was digitally recorded?
All I can say is listen to Dire Straits Brothers in Arms 45 rpm MFSL on a good system if you have the opportunity to do so.  
Whats on your turntable tonight?
White Zombie - La Sexorcisto: Devil Music, Vol. 1 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Steve Miller - Fly Like an Eagle - MFSLDire Straits - Brothers in Arms - MFSL 
I have a lot of CD's and still buy them (used ones).  I have a Marantz KI-Pearl SACD player and when I want to have the absolute best experience from a sound quality standpoint, that's the best source in my system.  I do have most of my CD's rippe... 
Recommendations for Vintage Speakers
Klipsch KLF-30s or KLF-20s 
Krell S-300i and headphone amp
Does your headphone amp have a line out?  You connect your source (turntable or CD player or whatever) to the headphone amp's inputs and the line out goes to one of your inputs on the Krell. 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
10CC - Look Hear 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
On to a nice "import" (all the way from Canada!) Of Deep Purple S/T. 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
I randomly choose two clear vinyl releases tonight.  Funkadelic - Free Your Mind...And Your Ass Will Follow and The Runaways - Live in Concert 
Bluesound node 2i question
I'd give it a try.  Can you return the Bluesound if it doesn't work out? 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Ramones - Ramones ManiaAerosmith - Toys in the Attic