

Responses from bdp24

We should reject hard-to-drive speakers more often
@ericsch: Small world! In 1071 I heard the 2000A at the same shop in Palo Alto: Sound Systems was it's name. They were running all their speakers (including the Infinity Servo-Static I's) with SAE electronics.The 2000A used a number of the wonderf... 
Brand New Vinyl Static and Pops
An anti-static gun is almost a must-have for LP owners. Just dusting the LP with a brush can create a static charge. The Milty Zerostat is acceptable, but the Furutech DeStat III is imo better. Not cheap, however.  
We should reject hard-to-drive speakers more often
@fikki: The MG3.6 can easily be bi-amped (unlike the series-crossover .7 series Maggies, the .6’s have parallel crossovers). Use a brute amp on the bass drivers, your D-70 on the midrange/tweeters. In almost all loudspeakers, the majority of the p... 
what are your top "audio bargins" in your system history?
Oops, forgot about the Clear Day Double Shotgun Speaker Cables. Pure silver, 8ft. pair, used for $300.  
Advice for an aspiring musician
And see as much live music as you can. Watching musicians perform live often reveals to you their "secrets". ;-)  
Paul McGowan gets asked about rotary subs.
@sandpat: 1- To get rid of the wrinkles you adjust the LFT driver tensioning mechanism. 2- I take it you don’t have the speakers mounted on the stands made by Sound Anchors specifically for the LFT-8b? Get a pair, they’re pretty cheap! 3- Grant... 
We should reject hard-to-drive speakers more often
A good way to make any given loudspeaker an easier load is to remove the low frequencies from both it and the power amp driving them. Yes, a separate woofer/subwoofer for 80 or 100Hz down. Most of the power demands of many loudspeakers is used to ... 
Fender Blues JR IV or fender 94’ twin.
For those wanting to hear what great songwriters look for in their accompanying musicians/band, take a listen to the deep, Deep, DEEP groove Ry, Nick, and Jim create in "Memphis In The Meantime". Astoundingly great! Then listen to Ry’s little guit... 
Whats playing on your system today?
@ozzy: Love The Bottle Rockets! I never managed to see them live (I don't think they ever made it to the West Coast), but have six of their albums (on CD. LP purists: see why you should have a CD player? ;-).  
Fender Blues JR IV or fender 94’ twin.
@edcyn: OMG, Norman’s Rare Guitars! I use to go there just to look and drool. When in 2009 I decided to sell my 1968 Fender Precision Bass I took it into the shop. They offered me only $1500, so I put in on ebay and got $3500 for it. I had bought ... 
We should reject hard-to-drive speakers more often
Erik: Very much agree about Infinities. I had a pair of the RS-1b’s, which so many people think were/are great. Anyone thinking about getting a pair: be prepared to have them reconditioned. Many of the EMIT and EMIM drivers are now unusable, havin... 
How do you find time to enjoy your $$$ speakers and system?
@tomic601: Jim, I hadn't seen that statement before, and I LOVE it! Leonard Cohen, I presume? Bob Dylan considers Cohen a very spiritual being.  
Seeking Recommendations For A Record Cleaner
My recommendation is the combination of the Pro-Ject VC-S2 ALU (currently on sale for $499 at Music Direct) and the Humminguru ultrasonic.  
How do you find time to enjoy your $$$ speakers and system?
  "2 hours a week at the most"? Guess you’re not really a music lover. We have evidence of that in your going on to say ".....to enjoy the system I spent $$$ to build. How do you find time to enjoy your system?" So you spent $$$ to have a system... 
We should reject hard-to-drive speakers more often
Erik, guess you don't like Maggies, Apogees, Infinity IRS, or Wilson WAMM?---Eric.