Responses from bdp24
Has there been any inexpensive item that enhanced your system's sound? Actually Jerry, she was asking because of the age-related regulations regarding drivers licenses. It was the shock of being called elderly, and the realization that I apparently am, I guess! I still think of my self as a 39 year old, ya know? | |
Need advice on adding subs I understand your trepidation regarding a new-to-you design (open baffle subs), cjk. But consider this: More than a few people consider one particular type of loudspeaker still the best overall of any yet devised: The Planar, one type of OB; Elect... | |
Whats playing on your system today? I started today with a collection by Chris Hillman & The Desert Rose Band. Chris was the bassist in The Byrds of course, and then went on to have a solo career, putting out a number of great Bluegrass (what he was playing before being recruite... | |
Who remembers the Dahlquist DQ-10's? Yeah yeah, Accurate Audio. Back when all those little appointment-only one-man shops sprung up everywhere, selling budget high-end lines. Brooks Berdan left GNP in Pasadena and worked out of his house for a couple of years before getting his store... | |
The Beach Boys I too have pondered that very scenario, Marty. Of course, there WERE people who were hearing the Smile recordings as they transpired, creating an intense buzz via the underground reporting on the album (as chronicled at the time by Paul Williams i... | |
The Beach Boys Ha! I got the boxset of Smile and, as much of a fan of Smile as I am, for me it was a listen-to-once kinda thing. Listening to every partial take, every snippet of every rehearsal of every part of every song, is not something I want to do again. I... | |
Tonearm mount on the plinth or on Pillar ? No strawman argument from me Ralph, at least not intentionally. I’m with ya, man! But in the different executions of a solid plinth offered by a multitude of turntable makers, all attempting to advance, or at least equal, the State Of The Art, the... | |
Cartridge loading question That’s the way Harvey Rosenberg taught me to tune Decca cartridges, also a moving iron (actually, variable reluctance) design; loading resistance and capacitance to critically damp the particular specimen of the cartridge one owned (back then ever... | |
Tonearm mount on the plinth or on Pillar ? True, a suspended-subchassis table will always have a plinth common to the platter bearing and arm pillar (at least as far as I know!), while a non-suspended doesn't have to, the later fact the impetus for this discussion. When I was said I would ... | |
Who remembers the Dahlquist DQ-10's? Samhar---what was the name of that small chain of Hi-Fi shops in SoCal, one of which Randy operated (the one in Venice) before starting Optimal Enchantment? I was a customer at the one on Sherman Way in Woodland Hills, at the North end of the San ... | |
Long XLR Interconnect Cables Great, thanks. I too use balanced whenever possible, and like silver. I’ll look into your other suggestions. How cool to have a Dad you share the passion for Hi-Fi with! I'm the Dad, and my kid just wants to smoke out with me ;-). | |
Long XLR Interconnect Cables Hey adg101, how good IS the Clear Day balanced cable? I have the CD Double Shotgun speaker cable, which is a tremendous bargain. Is the balanced cable as well? I use Kimber silver ic's (KCAG and KCTG, both balanced and s-e), but need some more, an... | |
Cartridge loading question Moving coil, moving magnet, or moving iron cartridge? | |
Manley Chinook Mofi, the Ampeg SVT has been THE bass amp to own forever! | |
Tonearm mount on the plinth or on Pillar ? Ivor Tiefenbrum raised the question of the importance of the integrity of the mechanical relationship between arm and platter almost fifty years ago. And his Linn Sondek turntable proved that integrity to be the number one priority---number one---... |