

Responses from bdp24

McIntosh MC501 or Audio Research DS450M for Magnepan 1.7
Have you considered the Sanders Magtech amp? It's very popular with Maggie owners. 
Tower Records
I would drive from San Jose up to San Francisco in the late-60's/early-70's just to go to the Tower store in North Beach. Lots of British pressings of current LP's. 
Old or new gear
You can get a used Music Reference RM-200 Mk.2 for $3000, $2500 if you get lucky. The lowest-maintenance 100w/ch tube amp on the market. Only two output tubes (6550 or KT88) per channel, run conservatively for long life. Read Michael Fremer’s Ster... 
Turntable Set-Up
@rwanda, I talked to the guy at Pearl Audio who does their table/arm/cartridge set ups (sorry, I didn’t get his name), who told me he does Linn and Rega, the lines Pearl sells. His problem with doing other brands is that he does not have a general... 
Favorite Dylan?
Right, @offnon57?! I think of "Love And Theft" as one of Bob's (it's okay, we're on a first name basis ;-) "recent" albums. That's being old. I too dig the swing in that album, and I don't know who to credit for it---him, his band on the album? It... 
The ups and downs of tube vs. SS...
@schubert makes an important point. The cost to retube a power amp should be figured in to the price to buy, and can be considerable, especially in amps that run their tubes hot. Lots of people use tube pre's with ss amps, a good compromise. 
EAR vs Audio Note preamp
I believe that is incorrect, @montesquieu. My 868L (line only) contains two 7DJ8 tubes, the 868PL (phono and line) contains an additional two 7DJ8's for RIAA amplification.  
Turntable Set-Up
@rwanda, I'm going to Pearl Audio this afternoon for the world premiere of the Magneplanar MG30.7. I'll check out their service department, and ask them about table/arm/cartridge work. Check back later today (Monday, 3-5). 
Turntable Set-Up
Good advice from raymondo. I watched Brooks and Brian Berdan install, align, and test table/arm/cartridge set ups for years, but have always done my own. It's not brain surgery! You just have to know a few principles, have the right tools, good li... 
Turntable Set-Up
@rwanda---Unfortunately no. I visited Echo Audio, Fred’s House Of Sound, Pearl Audio Video, and Stereotypes, and was thoroughly unimpressed. I admit to having been spoiled from living in SoCal for thirty five years, with access to Brooks and Brian... 
John Prine
I learned of Iris from Merle Haggard, who loved her. John Prine obviously does. I think she’s an Angel sent from Heaven. As my Mama useta say: "Each to her own, said the lady as she kissed a cow". 
Open Baffle. Why are they mostly limited to DIY?
@gnjtack. you are SO right about the OB sub and dipole speaker pairing being a great one. There are a number of us Maggie/Eminent Technology/Quad speaker owners using a pair of the GR Research/Rythmik OB/Dipole Servo-Feedback Subs with them. But a... 
John Prine
John and the wonderful Iris Dement sometimes tour together. I’ve seen Iris live a few times, but not John. 
odd music times pieces
Not to be argumentative, but "Take Five" is in 5/4, not 5/8. Don Ellis' Big Band was (is?) INSANE! Saw them live in '69. 
Infinity RS1B ? Buy or runaway
$4000 is too much. I bought a mint pair from Brooks Berdan in the late-90's for $2000.