Responses from bdp24
Nakamichi Cassette Decks Recordings made on Nak’s must be played back on Nak’s---and visa versa---to sound "right". Nakamichi used a different EQ curve than other companies. | |
Tube pre-amps: balanced a big deal? The only tube pre-amps I am aware of that can drive 600 ohms are Atma-Sphere’s and EAR’s. Atma-Sphere’s because Ralph Karsten is an unusually hip designer, EAR’s because Tim de Paravicini does most his work in pro recording studios (including Pink... | |
Direct Servo Subwoofer Suggestions Rythmiks are indeed the ones---the 12" F12, 15" F15, or 18" (take a guess ;-) F18. The Rythmik website has a lot of info on the designs. For those who think smaller woofers are "faster" than larger ones (a gross over-simplification), single and du... | |
AT ART 1000 vs London Reference vs Ana Mighty Sound 103.3 I found it inexplicable that after Art Dudley finally heard a modern London (the cheapest model, I believe) not long ago, and wrote a rave review of it in Stereophile, he never endeavored to hear the $1500 Super Gold, $2800 Jubilee, or $5300 Refer... | |
Good Speaker within a budget of USD10,000 Used Sanders ESL's, if you can find a pair. | |
Tube pre-amps: balanced a big deal? Ralph, what is the AES standard, again? Which signal on which pins, etc? Thanks---Eric. | |
Whats on your turntable tonight? Ah yeah, the debut Butterfield album! That was a game-changer, having a huge effect on us suburban white teenage musicians, making the British blues-wannabe’s we had been listening to and learning from irrelevant and obsolete. Dylan had heard Mike... | |
what turn table setup for my gear??? The most intriguing feature of the Schitt Mani is the inclusion of a 30dB gain setting, specifically for Decca/London cartridges. Very hip! George Counnas included a 15k Ohms moving magnet position on the impedance switch of his Zesto Andros 1.2 p... | |
Pairing Planar Speakers With A Subwoofer (Eminent Technology) The 1-band ParaEQ is not the selling point of Rythmik subs, or what you’re paying for. Brian Ding’s patented Direct Servo-Feedback design is quite an engineering feat, solving problems other sub designers don’t even acknowledge, let alone address,... | |
Tube pre-amps: balanced a big deal? Even better is no crossover at all. The Eminent Technology LFT-8b uses two paralleled push-pull magnetic-planar drivers for the 180Hz-10kHz range---no crossover! | |
Pairing Planar Speakers With A Subwoofer (Eminent Technology) Erik, that’s the one element of the Rythmik subs that seems questionable to me. 1-band of parametric room EQ? Why bother! I suppose it’s better than nothing, but what room has only one bass mode? With the introduction of the new DSPeaker Anti-Mode... | |
Pairing Planar Speakers With A Subwoofer (Eminent Technology) Nice, adiebear! What's not to like? Great subs, great speakers! | |
What is an excellent power cable? Some older Shunyata's (Diamondback, Copperhead) have come down in used price to new-Pangea levels. | |
AUDIO PRICE INSANITY PRICE VS. PERFORMANCE WORTH IT? Calvin, would you say your listening room has better acoustics than the AXPONA rooms? Or were you able to listen "past" that? | |
New way for audiophiles to die! I saw Timothy Leary at a record store in Glendale California in 1983. He bought a Devo album ;-). |