

Responses from bdp24

Nakamichi Cassette Decks
Recordings made on Nak’s must be played back on Nak’s---and visa versa---to sound "right". Nakamichi used a different EQ curve than other companies. 
Tube pre-amps: balanced a big deal?
The only tube pre-amps I am aware of that can drive 600 ohms are Atma-Sphere’s and EAR’s. Atma-Sphere’s because Ralph Karsten is an unusually hip designer, EAR’s because Tim de Paravicini does most his work in pro recording studios (including Pink... 
Direct Servo Subwoofer Suggestions
Rythmiks are indeed the ones---the 12" F12, 15" F15, or 18" (take a guess ;-) F18. The Rythmik website has a lot of info on the designs. For those who think smaller woofers are "faster" than larger ones (a gross over-simplification), single and du... 
AT ART 1000 vs London Reference vs Ana Mighty Sound 103.3
I found it inexplicable that after Art Dudley finally heard a modern London (the cheapest model, I believe) not long ago, and wrote a rave review of it in Stereophile, he never endeavored to hear the $1500 Super Gold, $2800 Jubilee, or $5300 Refer... 
Good Speaker within a budget of USD10,000
Used Sanders ESL's, if you can find a pair. 
Tube pre-amps: balanced a big deal?
Ralph, what is the AES standard, again? Which signal on which pins, etc? Thanks---Eric. 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Ah yeah, the debut Butterfield album! That was a game-changer, having a huge effect on us suburban white teenage musicians, making the British blues-wannabe’s we had been listening to and learning from irrelevant and obsolete. Dylan had heard Mike... 
what turn table setup for my gear???
The most intriguing feature of the Schitt Mani is the inclusion of a 30dB gain setting, specifically for Decca/London cartridges. Very hip! George Counnas included a 15k Ohms moving magnet position on the impedance switch of his Zesto Andros 1.2 p... 
Pairing Planar Speakers With A Subwoofer (Eminent Technology)
The 1-band ParaEQ is not the selling point of Rythmik subs, or what you’re paying for. Brian Ding’s patented Direct Servo-Feedback design is quite an engineering feat, solving problems other sub designers don’t even acknowledge, let alone address,... 
Tube pre-amps: balanced a big deal?
Even better is no crossover at all. The Eminent Technology LFT-8b uses two paralleled push-pull magnetic-planar drivers for the 180Hz-10kHz range---no crossover! 
Pairing Planar Speakers With A Subwoofer (Eminent Technology)
Erik, that’s the one element of the Rythmik subs that seems questionable to me. 1-band of parametric room EQ? Why bother! I suppose it’s better than nothing, but what room has only one bass mode? With the introduction of the new DSPeaker Anti-Mode... 
Pairing Planar Speakers With A Subwoofer (Eminent Technology)
Nice, adiebear! What's not to like? Great subs, great speakers! 
What is an excellent power cable?
Some older Shunyata's (Diamondback, Copperhead) have come down in used price to new-Pangea levels. 
Calvin, would you say your listening room has better acoustics than the AXPONA rooms? Or were you able to listen "past" that? 
New way for audiophiles to die!
I saw Timothy Leary at a record store in Glendale California in 1983. He bought a Devo album ;-).