
Responses from bdgregory

Shipping - Who's Resposible for Receipt of Item?
I always make it a point to get insurance on anything I ship. If buyer declines to pay the extra, then it is clearly HIS fault if the package becomes lost.I always, always, always insure. It's not a Buyer option. For items under $100 insurance is ... 
Ground Loop Hum - Partially Identified - Solution?
Looking at the specs it appears this should pass HD too!It does indeed pass HD.As for your amp ground loop problem, I assume your CJ amp has a captive power cord. If it doesn't, PSAudio power cords have a removable ground pin. I use them for my am... 
Ground Loop Hum - Partially Identified - Solution?
here's the part you want: Groundloop Isolation TransformerI worked beautifully for me. $17.95 list, and they have it on special for $8.95. 
Sansui SP-1500 Speakers
interesting thread on the crossover rework. I remember being in a small boutique in N California and they had a pair of these that I assume were the SP1600's or 1700's ( a little larger than the 1500's). They really sounded nice - which made it mo... 
Bamboo isolation better than maple?
I made a set of amp stands from Bamboo cutting boards that I purchased from TJ Max. They are 2" thick, cost $19.95 each. These are very dense but not nearly as much so as Maple. Still, I'm very satisfied with the results and doubt very much that I... 
Sansui SP-1500 Speakers
I don't know the answer to your first question. But, I picked up a pair of these free some time ago. I like the cabinets (good contruction, that classic 70's look) but they sounded flat. I gutted them, cut a new baffle board and installed an 8" Re... 
VSA speaker owners What did you upgrade to?
I started with a pair of VR3's. I liked them but decided I wanted a little better (deeper) bass. I settled on VR4genIII's. I like them even better (alot). Since I was building a dual purpose room (stereo/HT), I decided to go with all VSR. I added ... 
Best female vocals on CD
Here's some more:Jennifer Warnes (I can't believe she hasn't been mentioned yet) - "The Well" ; "Hunter"; "Famous Blue Raincoat"Patty Griffin "1000 Kisses" ; "Living with Ghosts"Iris Dement "Infamous Angel". . . 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Radiohead "Pyramid Song"Mike Oldfield "Incantations"Syndergy "Audion"Abive are vinyl.New CD's:Michael Shrieve "Fascination"Iris Dement "Infamous Angel"Thomas Stanko Quartet "Suspended Night"All excellent! 
DVD music concerts
Sure would be nice to see them all together again.hmmm, I saw a news item last week that Genesis is getting back together. Sadly, I believe it's the version sans Gabriel and Hackett. Wouldn't it be nice to see the Original Genesis (actually the ma... 
Any Can fans out there?
I've had "Future Days" since 75 and it's still in play. I picked up "Tango Mago" last year, and it's very interesting. A little more "out there" than Future days. 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
John Hassell Farafina "Flash of the Spirit" Jim Hall "Committment"both excellent. 
DVD music concerts
as already mentioned, there are multiple threads on this topic, but I'm going to list mine here also since there are some new ones since I last posted. It's obviously subject to music taste - but there may be something for everybody. Some of these... 
Pink Floyd"TDSOTM" SACD:2 ch SACD playback?
maybe I'm dumb, but I recently purchased this SACD and play it in 2 ch exclusively. I sounds great. I think the statement on the back refering to the 5.1 mix is a disclaimer so noone sues them because they can't hear 5.1 from their 2 channel boom ... 
Need advice for full range speaker with bottom end
I agree with Tvad on the VR4 GenIII. Mine are the regular gen IIIs and I'm quite happy with them. You can probably save ~$600-1000 on the Non-HSE models. There is a pair listed on A'gon right now for $2200. My other system uses Totem Mani-2s with ...