
Responses from bdgregory

Trouble with my Rel Storm III
I've never had a problem with my Storm III. From what you wrote, I assume it was working fine before it failed. It may help folks help you if you describe how do you have it connected and the other associated gear you're using it with. Have you tr... 
Turntable mats
I like the Funk achromat. 
How to audition used speakers???
"Isn't buying speakers this way as good as rolling a die?"Yes. Find a good dealer and work with him, unless you like rolling dice.well, I just disagree. I DID buy a new set of speaker from a good dealer after spending a great deal of time audition... 
How to audition used speakers???
One advantage of buying used is you can audition them in your home indefinitely (which IMO is the only legitimate audition), and if you decide you don't like them, just resell them and recoupe most/all of your investment. This is a little more dif... 
Phillip Glass Fans
I have all of the following and like them all. Koyaanisqatsi (I also have the movie DVD)Powaqqatsi (I have the movie DVD for this too) The Photographer (on Vinyl)Songs From Liquid Days (On Vinyl- Great!) 
A simple request---Please pack audio gear well.
My earlier question about who paid for the shipping costs goes to the point of "you get what you pay for". If how the item is packed is important to you, and I can't imagine why it wouldn't, then you should be very precise in your purchase offer t... 
A simple request---Please pack audio gear well.
Who paid for the shipping? If the buyer agrees to pay the shipping costs they are in a much better position to specify how the equipment should be packed and sent. If you want it double boxed and no-peanuts, then make it part of the deal.Respectfu... 
A simple request---Please pack audio gear well.
there is extensive instruction in the FAQ section: 
Early Linn LP12 or VPI Jr.?
I can't speak for the Linn, but I had a VPI HW19 Jr, and a Heybrook TT2 at the same time. The Heybrook TT2 is a Linn clone. I thought the VPI Jr was very mediocre compared to the TT2.I was using a Audioquest PT6 on both tables. 
RCA Splitter to Bi-amp?
I've used splitters on my Musical Fidelity NuVista and was very happy with the results.I used a splitter from Parts Express below: 
Leave an amp "on" permanetly
I leave my primary amps (all SS) on 24/7, except turn them off during electrical storms. Also, when I leave on a trip I power off and unplug them.I've had some amps in the past that tended to run very hot (eg Ayre V3), and I powered them down when... 
What is the one CD you can't find?
Philip Catherine "Nairam". I have the vinyl which I purchase in 1975 or 76. I don't believe it's ever been released on CD. It's even hard to find a good copy on vinyl. It's a very unique and fabulous album, even for Catherine. 
Pat Metheny Fans, Great Suggestions Please ??
"American Garage" and "Travels" are excellent. Travels has a long jam "Are you going with me?" that's always been one of my favorite songs (ie by anyone). The energy of the audience reaction really adds to the performance. This one needs to be cra... 
Neil Young at Massey Hall
I don't understand what people see in Neil Young; way overrated in my opinion. can't the same be said by any of us about every successful artist? There are more than I can count which I feel the same about but they sell records hand over fist. 
Looking to upgrade
if you're comfortable with used and already thinking Lexicon DC - I'd endorse the DC-1 which I'm using. I also recommend B&K 5 channel amps. I had a AV5125 which sounded wonderful (have since gone to monoblocks - much more $). the DC-1 and B&a...