
Responses from bassdude

Should I graduate to floor standers or will larger bookshelves suffice?
The Legacy Calibres are superb and have the advantage of a great soundstage because they are a hybrid open baffle / dipole speaker, which provides a dispersion similar to Maggies, but with better bass and dynamics. I’ve got some great speakers (L... 
Audio Research Financial Troubles
Just had ARC repair my new 150SE under warranty... and... the service was excellent and very responsive!  Although, it was a very minor repair (which I likely could have completed myself) - tightening a speaker terminal on the back - they complet... 
Full range stand mounted speakers
Harbeth SHL 5 XD or 30.2 XD - you can add a sub(s) if you think you need it. Very hard to do better. Or if you have the budget and space - the 40.2 or 40.3 XD. And the Cabasse Rialto is incredible and is self powered. Very clean installation with... 
Intg Amps: Hegel 590 vs NAD M33 Masters vs Gryphon Diablo 120
@bigtwin Wow - I’ve had the H590 for 2 years and haven’t touched all of its many features and capabilities mentioned in the review - I wasn’t even aware of them all. As I noted, I got it because it was one of the best driving Harbeths.  
Intg Amps: Hegel 590 vs NAD M33 Masters vs Gryphon Diablo 120
I got the H590 to drive my Harbeths because Harbeth demos their speakers at shows with Hegel amps. And I did find it drives them better than my other amps, which includes the ARC Reference 150SE. So… at least with Harbeths it’s the amp to have. I ... 
Best set-up under $20K
By the way - I have the Hegel H590 integated amp.  I got it to drive my Harbeth 40.2’s because Harbeth uses the Hegel amps to demo their speakers at shows.  It does a great job at controlling the Harbeths, which many amps struggle with - it adds c... 
Best set-up under $20K
Keep the Hegel and get a pair Harbeth SHL5 XD, or 40.2’s, or 40.3 XD at a discount.  Get a good player - such as the Bryston BDP-3 and with a Schitt Yggdrasil DAC or any number of others that will cost more).  Or… keep the Hegel and get the Legac... 
What speaker could safely be ordered without hearing it first?
I'd generally agree with those who say - don't buy any speaker without hearing in a demo session.   However, you may be unable to do that for various reasons.   In my experience with a range of speakers (e.g. Harbeths, Magnestand Maggies, Linkwi... 
DAC Under $3000
+++  Schitt Yggy R2R is superb... at a bargain price!  
Taylor Swift Concert Prices
While PT Barnum may not have said it... it, nevertheless, may be apropos:  "There's a sucker born every minute!"    
Munich High End Show Report 2023 !
Yes the Clarisys was one of the best... but... at a price.   There were several great systems displayed there... but... most were beyond the means of most folks... However... there were two... modestly priced systems in particular that had super... 
Speaker recommendations :-)
For jazz and all things acoustic it is very difficult to beat Harbeth 40.2 / 40.3 XD or SHL5 XD or Plus. Listen to some on Youtube and you will understand. Their rich sound is apparent even on your computer speakers or earpods. Of course the ATCs... 
Axpona 2023
If Qualio Audio IQ's or Ocean Way Eureka's weren't represented you didn't hear the best there is!  
Harbeth 40.3's. Should I buy them?
@avanti1960 ... is correct - the Harbeth 30 and 40 series require a good SS amp to bring out all their capabilities and sound their best - just as Harbeth "suggests" - they typically show them driven by Hegel SS amps. As I noted before, mine didn... 
Harbeth 40.3's. Should I buy them?
Have the Harbeth 40.2’s and 30.1’s and both are grand for classical, jazz, vocals, all things acoustic... sound a lot like Quad ESL 57’s - which is the best for these types of sounds. Harbeth’s sound best with great SS electronics - Harbeth usuall...