Responses from bassdude
Need suggestions on preamp I’ve got a variety of speakers (Harbeths 30.1 & 40.2, Linkwitz Orions, Emerald Physics 2.7, LeHave Melas, Magnestand Maggies, etc, etc) as well as a new pair of LRS+. And the LRS+ with the right setup sounds as good or better than any of those... | |
Recommend a desktop nearfield speaker for me @larsman Yes... the Cabasse Rialto speakers are truly amazing in all respects. I’ve resisted getting a pair because they are such a sophisticated, all-in one system, which I feared would be difficult to repair, if one of the several components w... | |
Recommend a desktop nearfield speaker for me And... here's another review of the Harbeth P3ESR XD that you'll find interesting - especially regarding the matching of amplifiers... (if you haven't seen it). In near-field listening - it's not about the volume produced by the amp, so much a... | |
Recommend a desktop nearfield speaker for me @akg_ca HARBETH P3ESR XD +++ Absolutely, nothing really compares to the superb sound produced with the right set-up! | |
Hot off the press...Technics SL 1300G This is all I need to know... to get the 1200-G. Steve’s had far more expensive turntables... and... he believes the 1200-G is a much more practical, reliable TT with equivalent sound quality... at a much more reasonable price compared to those he... | |
Primare/ Vincent Adio /NAD /Rogue/ AVA /Hegel...- need a simple and reliable integrated Rogue - for all the reasons mentioned above! | |
Six DAC Comparison This is a pedantic discussion of aspects of sound reproduction that is almost totally irrelevant to how "lifelike" a DAC or system sounds. The ASR "BS" and "measurements" bear almost no relationship to how "lifelike" and "real" a DAC or system so... | |
Speakers that disappear @terraplane8bob Absolutely! I have the Orion’s also - "Maggies on Steroids!" But... the OP seemed to be asking for smaller speakers that "disappear." And... although I love my Orion’s... they are quite a bit larger and more difficult to manage... | |
Speakers that disappear RE: the Quad ESL 57's, which are the best sounding speakers ever created (with the right set up) - both the Maggie LRS+ and Harbeth 30.1/2's and 40.2/3's (with the right set up) (which I also have) sound very, very close to the ESL 57's! All of ... | |
Speakers that disappear My choices would be as follows: 1. Magnepan LRS+ I have these, as well as several Harbet... | |
Adding tube sound to my SS system @ghdprentice I guess it just depends on your range of experience with various DAC’s. I relied on the opinions of all these experts with a wide range of experience - to select the Yggy, which I’ve found to be everything they reported it to be... ... | |
Adding tube sound to my SS system @rick_n Absolutely - a good "ladder DAC" makes a great improvement to most any system. And... they're very reasonably priced. The Schitt Yggy produces amazing sound with the qualities the OP is seeking... | |
JA Pulsars vs Harbeth 30.2 @tjraubacher If... as you said... you listen primarily to acoustic music - you will have a very difficult time to find anything that matches the Harbeth’s rich, warm, life-like sound and imaging - except for the ESL 57’s and maybe the Maggie LRS... | |
JA Pulsars vs Harbeth 30.2 @tjraubacher I would expect your H390 to sound very similar to the Harbeths driven by the H590 - there is not that much difference between the 2 amps. I believe several of the Hegel amps in the Harbeth videos on YouTube are the lower powered am... | |
JA Pulsars vs Harbeth 30.2 Here ya go! Listen to these - you will be amazed! I have both the 30.2's and the 40.3's - both of which sound very much like the Quad ESL 57's - which is one of the best sounding speakers at any pric... |