Responses from audphile1
Stack Audio Smooth Lan Issue Sent it back already? Problem solved! | |
Bryston Bdp-3 Issue? It’s a tough comparison between a CD transport of that caliber and a BDP3. The best connection for the Jays to BDA would be AES/EBU and for the BDP3 is the USB. Few things to check… make sure your network components (router, access points, etc)... | |
Audience FrontRow USB - I’m puzzled Without a doubt it’s a great resource to have. I’m enjoying the comparison between the two USB cables (3 essentially counting my AQ Diamond). Hope to wrap this up soon! | |
Audience FrontRow USB - I’m puzzled Got the replacement FrontRow. The Cable Co. also shipped Stealth USB. I had a brief listen with this Stealth cable in the system and I can say the next few days will be very interesting! | |
Retirement integrated amp for a “fiscal conservative” Congrats on your retirement!!! 42 years in one company …wow! Integrated amps around $8,000 Boulder 866 analog version, should be around $8,000 on a used market - resolving, full sound, vibrant. Downside - only XLR inputs, no subwoofer out, no pr... | |
Good service from DH Labs Solid customer support! Love it. Hope they’ll consider upping their QC game and situations like this can be avoided. | |
what dacs are fast, lively, energetic? @audiocanada fast sounding is usually an attribute of amplifier and or speakers. Just keep that in mind. If your system sounds slow and boring the best fix is amp or speakers. As to DACs… LAiV is R2R and these DACs are known to be more forgivin... | |
Audience FrontRow USB - I’m puzzled @jond I hope so! @asctim yes it’s puzzling to me as well I’ll be pissed if the replacement is behaving the exact same way. | |
Audience FrontRow USB - I’m puzzled @mclinnguy shipping it back to AUS if I don’t like it is a deal breaker for me. Another deal breaker is the price and what it is, which is essentially a DIY USB cable made by a hobbyist. It’s enough that the US made cable from a well known manufac... | |
Puritan PSM156 recommendation I had and sold the 156. Didn’t like it in my system. Running amp from it robs music off dynamics, soundstage collapses and the highs are pinched. Source components are more or less OK but I prefer direct connection to wall outlets. I used classic... | |
Audience FrontRow USB - I’m puzzled That is what I’m suspecting as well. | |
Audience FrontRow USB - I’m puzzled @fthompson251 thanks! let’s see it it works. this will still be s demo. Hopefully I’ll get it in time for the weekend. Keeping my fingers crossed. Meantime I’m researching alternatives just in case. Oh and the FrontRow I’m getting will be the sta... | |
Audience FrontRow USB - I’m puzzled Spoke with Joe over at Audience who thinks it’s a defective cable. Plan right now is to get another demo from the cable company. | |
Audience FrontRow USB - I’m puzzled @fthompson251 yes it is a really nice sonic improvement. I’ll be calling Audience later today to see what they say. Hopefully they know what the root cause of the issue may be. | |
Audience FrontRow USB - I’m puzzled @zlone Yes my AQ Diamond and stock USB work fine. I stated that. The issue is intermittent with the Audience USB |