
Responses from audiozen

Classdaudio vs Channel Islands amps
I am aware of what a separate power module is..Dennis told me directly he adds no additions to the amps he uses from Pascal and Abletec, only to the Pascal X-PRO he uses in his M3 1500M..Let me repeat myself Guido...D-SONIC DOES NOT MANUFACTURE AM... 
Classdaudio vs Channel Islands amps first conversation with Dennis last winter basically was the same information he told Izora that his amplifier's are made in Texas, which is completely false, strongly implying they are his own designs. It wasn't until several months lat... 
Classdaudio vs Channel Islands amps
The amps are not made in Texas. D-Sonic gives the impression that the amps are in house designs which is why he won't answer questions since D-Sonic wants to avoid that the amps are manufactured by Pascal and Abletec. Rich with the Abletec office ... 
Why does Spectral have such a cult following
When Spectral started in the late 70's, their products where designed by co-founder Demian Martin which are his initials, "DM" on all the DMC models. Demian's products where so damn good sounding that a cult following built up by the late 80's. On... 
D-SONIC SOA Class-D Core Amps. The best Class-D ?
Mcbuddah..the Abltec amps in your M3 600M's use a new technology designed by Patrik Bostrom that utilizes a patented switching technique called phase shift modulation instead of pulse width modulation. Pascal also uses a new patented technology de... 
Classdaudio vs Channel Islands amps
Izora..Dennis will not answer questions regarding which amps he uses in his models. I have spent well over two hours of phone conversations with Dennis during the past eight months. I find it very hard to believe they are assembled in the U.S. The... 
Classdaudio vs Channel Islands amps
Izora...have no reservations about the very high build quality of the Abletec amps manufactured in China. I'm not sure about Pascal but the very low priced D-Sonic amps with the Pascal modules would indicate thats the case since all the D-Sonic am... 
D-SONIC SOA Class-D Core Amps. The best Class-D ?
edit.."earlier this year"... 
D-SONIC SOA Class-D Core Amps. The best Class-D ?
Mapman...yes, they are Abletec amps designed by Patrik Bostrom. When I first brought attention to Abletec and Pascal months ago, most on this thread including Guido never heard of these brands. During the past several months I have read at least f... 
D-SONIC SOA Class-D Core Amps. The best Class-D ?
Guido..I meant much larger power output then the Ncore set which puts out 1200 watts into 2 ohms and the Abletec puts out 2000 watts into 2 ohms. Application refers to Bruno's non linear design and Bostrom's ZVS (zero voltage switching) and his AD... 
D-SONIC SOA Class-D Core Amps. The best Class-D ?
First Guido..pardon my assumption referring to you as a full time reviewer. Why Dennis uses both Abletec and Pascal is for one reason only, sheer power from the Pascaland high power from the Abletec for most speaker applications. The ALS amp in th... 
D-SONIC SOA Class-D Core Amps. The best Class-D ?
Guido..since you are a online magazine reviewer, why don't you arrange for Dennis to send you a pair of the M3 600M's for you to review? After all, its what you do for a living.Have you ever reviewed a low priced Class D amp with very high quality... 
D-SONIC SOA Class-D Core Amps. The best Class-D ?
Guido..Type in on Google search D-Sonic M2 600m and you will find near the top of the page a link to an excellent review on the Polk Audio Forum of the M2 600M's from January of this year. The owner burned them in for a month before posting the re... 
D-SONIC SOA Class-D Core Amps. The best Class-D ?
4orreal..I don't have a problem anywhere. Deeply involved as an Audiophile for 40 years, and having spent many years listening to tube and solid state gear in high end store sound rooms up and down the coast back in the late 70's, 80's and 90's, a... 
D-SONIC SOA Class-D Core Amps. The best Class-D ?
I do go on forums and threads of many consumers who purchase these products and read their listening experiences which is basically the same thing if I gave you an opinion of what I heard. All of us are aware that its about the sound and not just ...