
Responses from audiozen

D-Sonic vs Wyred vs ....
God!..I just love a good pot of stew on the stove. 
D-Sonic vs Wyred vs ....
"But what I heard there was beyond painful"..spoken like a true politician. There are lots of other relevant ears out there who own Wyred that have opposite opinions that are very positive that I have read, and yes I have listened to class d amps ... 
D-Sonic vs Wyred vs ....
The photo's at RMAF of the Wyred 4 Sound setup at the Marriott last October with the Emerald Physics speakers does not look very ideal and its a crap shoot with Class D amps at a high end show since they are more a.c. wall dependent using the outl... 
D-Sonic vs Wyred vs ....
Well gent's, during the past week two new amplifiers popped up on the Wyred 4 Sound website. Their in a redesigned chassis that departs from that industrial look and much more attractive. They are both stereo amps employing the latest technology f... 
D-Sonic vs Wyred vs ....
Yes Guido..the M2-1500M and the M3-1500M are identical ampsas well as the M2-600M and the M3-600M. The only difference as mentioned by Dennis, is that the chassis/faceplate design was upgraded to the entire line in 2012. 
D-Sonic vs Wyred vs ....
The M3 series has been out for quite sometime. I already mentioned in a previous thread I initiated months back on D-Sonic that Dennis mentioned to me during one of several phone conversations that his M3-1500M amp is a Pascal, and his M3-600M amp... 
Is the BAlabo BC-1 MKII Preamp the reigning King?
Huh? What da? 
D-Sonic vs Wyred vs ....
Patrik Bostrom, Chief Engineer and designer of Abletec Amplifiers that are used by D-Sonic, has done away with PWM,[Pulse Width Modulation} in his Class D designs, which has always had problems with uneven harmonics in certain bands and uses a met... 
Is the BAlabo BC-1 MKII Preamp the reigning King?
Greg Weaver, Senior Editor of Positive Feedback, also is on record stating that the BALabo Kit is the best sound he has ever heard and gave BALabo the Positive Feedback Best Sound of Show Award at CES 2013. Digging further on the net regarding the... 
Preamp with tone controls?
For $1695.00 you can have it all with true high end sound at a budget price. The magnificent Onkyo P-3000R Preamp. A giant killer for the price. I heard the Pre recently and was floored. Sounds like a Pre in the $4K to $5K range. Has tone controls... 
D-SONIC SOA Class-D Core Amps. The best Class-D ?
Hifial..The Veritas amps are a rip off for what they cost. Period! You get just over four pounds of Ncore product in each mono block. Merrill does not make available at all interior shots of his amps. He wants you to ignore whats behind the curtai... 
D-SONIC SOA Class-D Core Amps. The best Class-D ?
Pope need to write a long winded book every time you post a reply. Phew! We all know your a reviewer of sorts. Eric Lichte with Stereophile did a report on the Marten M amps last winter after hearing them and stated they sound like very ... 
D-SONIC SOA Class-D Core Amps. The best Class-D ?
Oh..did I upset the Pope Guido minions out there? First hand experience?..Its just as relevant to read on other Audiophile websites/forums of private owner's of D-Sonic amps and their first hand experiences with the amps.. I have read many threads... 
D-SONIC SOA Class-D Core Amps. The best Class-D ?
Correction..Merrill's offer to me was in November 2012... 
D-SONIC SOA Class-D Core Amps. The best Class-D ?
Aaahh...Pope Guido..excuse me your Eminence for not genuflecting before I enter your apartment at the Vatican. You are an easy set up..I knew you would be the first to reply as a response to my recent follow me around like a lost hound d...