
Responses from audiolui

Wilson owners Call of Duty
Don't mean to get off tangent. I agree with Leica_man. I just purchased a pair of Synergistic Research Apex IC and it is awesome sounding. Not dull, not bright, not thin, not fat, etc. Great soundstage, inner details and transient attack. It seems... 
Wilson Alexandria X2s in small room
Speakers at $14000 should take a lot of abuse before it blows, IMO. 
Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments?
I just tried Apex interconnect placed between my phono stage and line stage. It smoked my top of the line Kimber. It made the Kimber sound foggy. The Apex is indeed detailed, transparent, and very spacious. It is very quiet. It is detail but not a... 
Wilson Alexandria X2s in small room
If you got the X2 free, you could sell it if you found it was incompatible with your room. I would if I were you. 
Lamm ML1 and CJ ACT2
I am currently using ACT 2 and Lamm M2.1 (hybrid) combo. They sound great to me. No edginess, huge soundstage, excellent pace and rythm, dynamic, detailed, and all other good stuff. I haven't tried ARC Ref 3. I am sure it is also very good. Hope y... 
Monitors vs. Floorstanders - What an eye opener
Small speakers often times throw a big soundstage and sound quite coherent. They can reproduce a majority of the frequencies quite well. However, to get realistic size images, dynamics, impact and bass foundation, you need big floorstanders. Espec... 
Lamm 2.1's on Wilson W/P 8's a good match?
I just picked up a pair of Lamm M2.1. They are now driving my Thiel 7.2. 7.2 gets down to 3 ohm and at 86db. The M2.1s are having a easy time. I changed the tubes to taylor the sound to my liking. The original tubes sounded too lush for me and a b... 
Sonus Faber Amati Homage vs Thiel 7.2
My Thiel 7.2 is not lean at all with great midrange and full body. It can sound very thick, depending on the gears you have. I suggest tube preamp and high power solid state with the Thiel 7.2. So have you tried anything yet to tweak out the Amati? 
Sonus Faber Amati Homage vs Thiel 7.2
I listened to the Amatis in a dealer set up. I think Air-tight tube amps were used and the sound was quite good with actually very nice midrange as well. It wasn't thin at all. I guess you just have some system matching issues.That said, I am curr... 
Lamm M2.1 monoblocks driving Thiel 7.2?
Dennis,Are you referring to the Lamm ML series which are pure tubes? The Lamm M2.1 is a hybrid with only one 6922 in the gain stage. 
Diana Krall - New Vinyl - Good sound - Poor Vinyl
My friend just brought this LP over to test my new amp. There are quite a few pops and ticks; it was annoying. His is black vinyl. This is his second copy and the first copy was returned. I was thinking buying this LP; now I need to wait till they... 
Parasound JC-1s Not Working
I just got the amp back and have not had the time to listen to it seriously. But it is working though. The repair cost is under $200. The turn around was quick; it took about several days for them to fix,test, and ship it back. I am happy with the... 
Parasound JC-1s Not Working
I just shipped the amp to Parasound. So far the tech seemed fine and quick giving me RA # to return the amp for repair. I have yet to find out how much the repair is going to be. The tech said the labor is $75 per hour. Update will follow. 
Parasound JC-1s Not Working
But I also tested all the fuses myself with a meter set to ohm. They all had readings. 
Parasound JC-1s Not Working
Yes, I put an old amp to replace the problematic JC-1 and it worked. So I know it is not the speaker or the wire, or the preamp. It is the amp. Thanks guys. I will call Parasound. I will post anything I learn from this unpleasant situation.