
Responses from audiokinesis

What matters most in speaker design?
Hi Wireless,Horn harshness really doesn't have anything to do with what's happening in the top 1/2 octave; it happens much lower down. It isn't necessarily caused by something that shows up in the frequency response curve either, but that's anothe... 
What matters most in speaker design?
Well the thing is, loudspeaker design is system design. Many an enthusiastic amateur has started out with "the best woofer, the best midrange, the best tweeter, the best crossover, and the best enclosure", and ended up with only an okay speaker. T... 
positioning of a horn speaker
I design horn speakers with the expectation that they will be toed in severely, as Morningstaraudio describes, so that may work with the Tylers. If not, then I suggest moving them closer to one another.Duke 
Cogent horns
Macrojack, to the best of my knowledge there is no direct link between moving mass and flux modulation (though there is a link between voice coil inductance and flux modulation). Now it well may be that higher moving mass makes the effects of flux... 
Cogent horns
Macrojack, thanks for asking, as that's a very good question.The "sag" mentioned by Ralph (Atma-Sphere) is a short-term reduction in magnetic field strength. As the magnetic field induced by the voice coil interacts with the permananet magnetic fi... 
Stacked Bookshelf Speakers -- Perplexing Nirvana?
Wchang, I don't doubt your observations one bit, and I think your analysis is correct.This is rather interesting situation, as in a way it's a direct comparison of a high waveform-fidelity system vs. a poor waveform, but better frequency response,... 
Cogent horns
Thanks for that insight, Ralph. I hadn't made the connection between the static field of an ESL and the electromagnet in a field coil, but it makes sense. And in my experience both types excel at low-level detail and nuance and liveliness, though ... 
sub woofer efficiency
I agree with Johnk that finding a sub that will match level-wise isn't going to be difficult. Subs typically have built-in amplifiers that have lot of gain, so the actual electrical efficiency of the woofer isn't an issue because they're designed ... 
Adding a Subwoofer to Khorns
In the bass region, the room dominates the low frequency presentation. Relatively minor differences between quality subwoofers pale in comparision to the large peaks and dips that the room imposes. So my suggestion is to consider the room to be ve... 
Using a 15 inch woofer to do mid range
Assuming a high quality woofer and good crossover design, a 1000 Hz crossover is appropriate for a 15" woofer and 90 degree horn. Altec used a 1200 Hz crossover for the 15" woofer and horn in their epic Model 19, which was said to be a significant... 
Crossover designs...
In the real world, relatively few crossovers nicely fit an established model, such as "4th order Linkwitz-Riley". In most cases, due to the non-textbook behavior of the drivers, a non-textbook crossover works best. Having heard good and bad speake... 
Subs & Group Delay
Acoustat6, sorry this reply is late; I've been on the road and haven't logged in since, oh, some time last year.Anyway, it's hard to say that a given frequency response specification is a guarantee of good sound. It really depends on how it was me... 
sealed vs vented subwoofers
Stanwal, I almost agree with your statement about the failure of measurements to correlate with subjective preference. I think it's fair to say that the audio industry has been measuring distortions that are easy to measure instead of measuring di... 
Subs & Group Delay
Low-order harmonic distortion is benign. I'm aware of a controlled listening test in which 30% second harmonic distortion was statistically undetectable - so don't go nuts pursuing low harmonic distortion specs.Group delay typical of a vented woof... 
sealed vs vented subwoofers
Shadorne - my bad! You are absolutely right; sealed boxes have LESS group delay than vented boxes. I was thinking that, but carelessly typed the exact opposite.That first sentence should read:"A sealed box will have less group delay than a vented ...