
Responses from audiokinesis

How do you chose speakers based on room size?
J Bailey, your experience with the large-format Klipsch Chorus II's in a relatively small room makes sense to me. They probably benefit from generous boundary reinforcement, and are directional enough to avoid the onslaught of early reflections th... 
How do you chose speakers based on room size?
Small rooms are the most difficult. You have at least three acoustic issues in a small room:1. Early onset of reflections (causes coloration and/or compromised imaging);2. Worse room modal situation than in larger rooms so the bass is lumpier;3. O... 
Speakers for live piano performance
Conventional home audio speakers do not work well for prosound. One problem is the radiation pattern; in a pro audio setting most of the listeners are in the farfield, where the "power response" (summed omnidirectional response) of the speaker dom... 
most articulate speaker
For the record, the guy who builds the speakers Clio09 owns readily concedes that a good ESL is more articulate.When the day comes that ESL manufacturers are moved to advertise "ribbon-like transparency" or "horn-like articulation" or "dome-like c... 
The closest approach: what amplification?
Unsound, obviously I should have made it clear which part of my response was about things an owner of existing speakers could do, and which referred to something that would have to be done during the design stage. In my opinion using an autoformer... 
The closest approach: what amplification?
Unsound, an across-the-board raising of the impedance curve (a la Speltz autoformer) will usually make a speaker more high-output-impedance-amp friendly, if needed. Redesigning the crossover to smooth out the impedance curve is seldom practical, b... 
The closest approach: what amplification?
Unsound asked Bill about high output impedance... obviously I'm not Bill, but I'll take a shot.If the amplifier has a very high output impedance (very low damping factor), to a certain extent the loudspeaker's impedance curve will "modulate" the a... 
Speakers that like corners
I can think of three designed-for-corner-placement speakers in production that I really like. From smallest to biggest:First is the AudioNote AN-E... very warm and easy to listen to. I am among those that raise an eyebrow at Audio Note's claimed s... 
Bass reinforcement for very large room
I had a fairly big room (33 x 13) when I lived in New Orleans, and it had doors leading into multiple adjacent rooms. The bass impact was noticeably improved when I closed all the doors. Mentioning just in case. 
Speaker recommendation
I used to be an Omega dealer and think very, very highly of Louis Chochos' designs. If I were doing what you're doing, that's what I'd go with.Dukedealer/manufacturer 
Bass reinforcement for very large room
While obviously I'm on record as a proponent of multisubs, small rooms are more prone to modal problems than large rooms and so in general multisubs offer more of a qualitative improvement in small rooms than in large ones, counter-intuitive as th... 
Booming Tunes
a) Position the monitors about 56 inches out from the wall behind them. The energy bouncing off the wall will arrive out-of-phase with the direct sound at about 60 Hz, hopefully causing a zig where your modal room interaction is causing a zag.b) P... 
counterintuitive tilt angle
Without knowing a lot of specialized information about a given speaker, I couldn't predict with any reliability what tilt angle, if any, would work best. I think it's one of those things you just mess with until it sounds good because that's quick... 
Magnepan, How Low Can You Go...power-wise
Thomastrouble, it depends on how loud you listen.Audiogon member Onemug uses low powered SET amps to drive his 3.6's, and gets simply outstanding sound from them - for his purposes. 
Small monitor- made in the states
Thanks Jax2, but at this point none of my speakers are suitable for Wombat3's application (maximum height 12"). If Audio Concepts (ACI) speakers are still available, they are excellent designs. What you can't see from eyeballing them is that desig...