
Responses from audiokinesis

Holographic imaging
Tbg, I can see now how you misunderstood me.Holographic localization of sound sources is not part of live music under most circumstances, but natural timbre and dynamics certainly are. Now I have nothing against holographic imaging, but it has nev... 
Holographic imaging
Tbg wrote: "Pubul57 and Audiokinesis, I refuse to concede that reproduced music should be allowed to differ from real..."AudioKinesis responds: Kindly refrain from making "straw man" arguments. That's where you attribute to the other person someth... 
good speaker with Sound stage behind????
Dipoles and bipoles and omnis (oh my!) can do what you are describing, if positioned out away from nearby reflective room boundaries.Dukedealer/manufacturer/into dipoles and bipoles 
Holographic imaging
Pubul57, your observation regarding holography and dynamics in live vs reproduced music is right on the money.Years ago one of Stereophile's writer offered some perspective that I think is worth passing along, only I can't find the exact quote. Bu... 
Holographic imaging
Roger, of course I agree that things happen in between the microphone and the loudspeakers that alter the perception of the recording - some intentional, and some not.Aside from your assertions, I do not know of a single source that ascribes any p... 
Holographic imaging
Roger Paul wrote:"...[T]he ear/brain system is a highly sophisticated mechanism for discerning the physical location of a sound object when you include the massive ability to detect phase/time relationships that are on a scale so small as to be un... 
Holographic imaging
The topic of distortion perception is a fascinating one. In my opinion, it makes sense to focus on those distortions that are subjectively objectionable, but not worry about those that are of no audible consequence. At this point I'm completely un... 
for multiple driver arrays, how to calc capacitanc
Maybe this will help: 
for multiple driver arrays, how to calc capacitanc
"does anyone know the formula for calculating impedance vs capacitance?"I'm not sure what you mean. I suggest investing in a copy of "The Loudspeaker Design Cookbook", by Vance Dickason. It will have whatever you're looking for. Dukedealer/manufac... 
Electrostat - M-L; Quad or Soundlab - reliable
Some production runs of older-generation SoundLabs had problems with some of the materials used that would not show up in testing, but could show up later. Current generation SoundLabs have been highly reliable to the best of my knowledge, as long... 
best xover for horns? deqx, jbl pro or ??
Desiging a high quality crossover for a horn system is not trivial. In my opinion, one must start with a comprehensive suite of measurements, and then there are many cycles of follow-up measuring, calculating/modelling, modifying the circuit, and ... 
Speaker suggestions for a McIntosh MC225
Seems to me that pretty much any medium to high efficiency, tube-friendly speaker will work well with that amp. Do you have a ballpark price range in mind?The Quad 57 certainly isn't known for its bottom end. To get more bass, I used to take the f... 
Class D and High Efficiency Speakers?
I design speakers specifically intended to work well on low damping factor tube amps, but double-check them on a high damping factor solid state amp (one that has been mentioned in this thread) to make sure I'm not painting myself into a corner. I... 
Question about speakers...
Whether or not a speaker design is successful depends on a lot of factors combined. I wouldn't necessarily say that two tweeters is bad - it depends on the specifics of the design. The devil is in the details, but so are the angels.Lobing and comb... 
Active crossover advice for 1000hz biamp
Every horn I have ever worked with required equalization specific to that horn design, and I don't know of any off-the-shelf analogue domain active crossover with such capability. On the other hand, something that does digital signal processing li...