
Responses from audiokinesis

Two subs in a small room....
Matchstikman, I like your diagonal configuration. You might try shifting your speaker-listener-speaker triangle a little bit so that you're not lined up perfectly on the diagonal. I'm an advocate of using multiple asymmetrically-placed subs to smo... 
Anyone have comments on radical toe in?
In my experience speakers with fairly smooth off-axis response are the best candidates for radical toe-in. This will help maintain good soundstaging and tonal balance for off-centerline listeners. With such speakers I routinely use about 45 degree... 
Dream speakers and amp for an 11x14 room?
Coverto, one thing you might want to be aware of is that the ear/brain system reacts differently to early-arriving reflections relative to late-arriving ones. Briefly, early-arriving reflections tend to cause coloration, while late-arriving reflec... 
How to determine unknown capacitor values
You need what's called an "LCR meter", which looks like a multimeter but measures inductance, capacitance, and resistance. MCM has one, and Parts Express has a digital multimeter that can also measure inductance and capacitance so it can function ... 
Rules for matching subwoofers to room size
Very interesting, Eldartford (spelled your name right this time)! Don't think I've read of that particular experiment before, but it certainly is a vivid illustration.Best wishes, regardless of whether we ever end up agreeing on subwoofing,Duke 
Rules for matching subwoofers to room size
Eldarford, one of the problems here may be in our definitions of terms. For example, you use the term "thump of the drum", and to me that implies harmonic content sufficient to allow pitch to be discerned. The pitch of bass instruments can be diff... 
Rules for matching subwoofers to room size
One other situation that would allow you to hear the location of a subwoofer would be if the system was poorly designed, such that the subwoofer had high harmonic distortion (or a buzz or rattle) or port noises. Drew Eckhardt mentioned this in his... 
Rules for matching subwoofers to room size
Eldartford, note that I specified "steep crossover". The typical 12 dB per octave lowpass filter is too shallow; you need a 24 dB per octave filter if the crossover point is going to be up around 80 Hz or so. I repeat that the ear cannot localize ... 
Rules for matching subwoofers to room size
If a subwoofer has a steep crossover at 80 Hz or below you can place it anywhere in the room and not be able to hear its location. The reason is, at 80 Hz and below wavelengths are so long that the ear cannot tell what direction they are coming fr... 
Tips for designing listening room from scratch
The author's name is "Earl Geddes". Sorry for the typo. 
Tips for designing listening room from scratch
I recommend "Premium Home Theater: Design and Construction", by Earl Gedds.This is the best book I have found on the subject. Just ignore the video-centric chapters. The author is one of the world's foremost experts on small room acoustics and psy... 
Transmission line speakers
I spent the better part of a decade building various DIY transmission lines (in SpeakerBuilder magazine issue #4 of 1986 you'll find one of my designs), and in my experience there's a tradeoff: Sufficient output from the end of the line to reinfor... 
Amp damping factor?
High damping factors are often achieved through the use of large amounts of global negative feedback, which has negative sonic consequences that aren't obvious from the distortion specs (which themselves are virtually useless for evaluating sound ... 
Help with final choice of efficient speakers
I'm not sure of the exact models that I've heard, but both Devore and Daedalus speakers have impressed me a great deal. I don't think there's a wrong choice between the two, but smooth and refined as the Devores are, my personal priorities still s... 
Top notch speakers with their own sub
"PS Duke - is there pricing info on the Swarm and Planetarium systems? I didn't see any on your web site. Not that I'm thinking....." - MartyklYeah my website is a bit out of date. I have a forum on that has more up to date info. T...