
Responses from audiokinesis

Speakers similar to Avantgarde horn
You might want to consider the Classic Audio Reproductions T-5. Extremely lively, uses superb drivers, and not too big. 
Does 1/2" make a difference at 375 Hz ?
In my opinion (as a long-time amateur builder of mediocre speakers), that 5 degree phase shift you calculated is audibly inconsequential. And chances are by moving the voice coil of the woofer forward that 1/2", you just might make your speakers i... 
Low watt system for rock,electronica?
Ray,Any of the Klipsch Heritage series, Lowther-based speakers, Cain & Cain, Omega, Avantgardes, larger Coincidents... (disclaimer: I sell one of these lines)Plenty of contenders. In fact, the Ron Welborne has put together a page of speakers t... 
Best SET amp with Coincident Total Victory?
DeHavilland makes some superb high-power SET's. Nope, I don't sell 'em. Suggest you contact Brian Rovinsky of St. Cecilia Sound,, phone number 727-726-7575 . Brian is a truly GREAT guy, and lo and behold just so happ... 
Buy new amp or new speakers for more power
Hi Andy2,Your speakers are rated at 89 dB efficiency and your amp at 125 watts per channel. Okay, let's play with the numbers a bit...Your two speakers would put out 95 dB at one meter with 1 watt per channel, or 115 dB with 100 watts (easier to d... 
Time Phase/Coherence-Vandy 5A vs. SL M-1
Typo - should have been "Fmg4275". Sorry. 
Time Phase/Coherence-Vandy 5A vs. SL M-1
Disclaimer - I peddle Sound Labs.Okay I'm wading into deep waters here, not being an engineer. But maybe that's okay - I'm a dealer after all, fin on my back, perpetual toothy grin, hmmmm... maybe these deep waters will provide an opportunity or t... 
Opinions: Avantgarde Trios/Basshorns
I think the basshorns are a supremely elegant match with the Trios. I've auditioned them twice, and with the basshorns the superb speed and liveliness of the upper range horns is preserved all the way down. I heard no integration problems. Both ti... 
Amp s for CLS IIZs
Jethro Tull on CLS's? Oh yeah! Those babies work quite nicely with kitchen prose, gutter rhymes, and diverse songs from the wood. In additon to the recommendations by Dannylw, you might also consider InnerSound, Parasound JC-1, and Clayton (all of... 
Amp for Maggies 3.6R
I've sold several InnerSound ESL amps to Maggie 3.6 owners, who've been very happy with the combination. The InnerSound does something like 600 watts into the Maggies' 4-ohm load. 
Current Trends in multi thousand dollar speakers
Hello Sean,Thanks for your reply. As far as how many production loudspeakers are using a slow-slope vented enclosure, the only ones I know of are the Classic Audio Reproductions models, though I expect there are more. I just haven't really searche... 
Current Trends in multi thousand dollar speakers
Sean, methinks you paints with a wide brush: "For sake of clarity, these figures are based on the accepted principles that vented systems fall at a rate of 24 dB's an octave and sealed designs fall at a rate of 12 dB's an octave..."Either type can... 
Speakers for extremely close listening
I have mixed feelings about some aspects of the MTM configuration, but they often do a very good job in the nearfield and in Payip's application would most likely work better than a more conventional two-way. If the room is very small, then an MTM... 
Current Trends in multi thousand dollar speakers
The fact that transmission lines are hard to execute well doesn't mean it can't be done. Indeed, it's being done right now by several manufacturers. And having built more bad transmission lines than you can shake a stick at, even an amateur like m... 
Current Trends in multi thousand dollar speakers
Sean, what are your thoughts on transmission lines? Transmission lines have much smoother impedance curves through the bass region than most other enclosure types. One current commercial design that I'm familiar with uses an "8-ohm" woofer and the...