Responses from atmasphere
What a difference a setting makes. @rvpiano Loading is really for the benefit of the phono section, not the cartridge. The industry standard for cartridge loading is 47,000 Ohms. But the inductance of the cartridge is in parallel with the capacitance of the tonearm interconnect ca... | |
When to lube reel to reel tapes Have read that the lubricant on these tapes tends to deteriorate over time. Give the value of these tapes, would folks lube these before use, specially if they’ve not been played ever/very long time? Wherever you read that was misinformation. ... | |
How much does rear horn loading add to full range driver? How much volume is gained by horn loading the rear wave? Would a horn enclosure 43 x 9 x 6" inches be likely to play lower than a ported shoebox size speaker? These wouldn't be my main speakers, just an interesting addition. @aldnorab Rear load... | |
Help! Trying to pick an amp/preamp for an Acoustat 1+1s I'm going to move a tube amp into my second system room where I have some mature Martin Logan CLSs and see how it goes. I hadn't really tried it before. @carlsbad If you have CLS 1s you can do this easily. Any later version of the CLS is much ... | |
Help! Trying to pick an amp/preamp for an Acoustat 1+1s @fortepiano50 , @charles1dad There are certain Acoustats that IME are very easy to drive. First let's debunk the sensitivity thing. While rated at 81 dB, keep in mind this is at 1 meter. This means that the efficiency of the speaker is actually h... | |
System that sounds so real it is easy to mistaken it is not live One last thing only buy gold plated connectors or you will develop a hum when the tin connections gets tarnished. @5windowcoupe Tin and gold share a property which is they boh are resistant to corrosion! This is why tin is often used in connect... | |
When someone tells you it's a $40,000 amp, does it sound better? Something to keep in mind is that a $40,000 amp is likely not going to be playing $200 speakers; its likely to be playing on speakers that have a similar price tag. Some speakers with that sort of price really are wider bandwidth and lower distort... | |
System that sounds so real it is easy to mistaken it is not live Your Soundlabs has a sensitivity of 89db SPL at i meter @rauliruegas Being that the Sound Lab is a large curved panel, you have to add 6dB to the rating to find out the effective sensitivity when you are back about 10 feet. The reason is that a... | |
So I was changing a lightbulb last night… Why is touching the ground (lamp body is normally grounded) with a human body (fairly well insulated from ground, assuming shoes, ladder, carpet) getting a signal to the tone arm. The tonearm is carbon fiber, the clearaudio ‘Satisfy Carbon’. ... | |
Ground voltage!! @fuzztone Then he'll be waiting for... ? | |
System that sounds so real it is easy to mistaken it is not live The fun thing here is knowing that microphones, electronics and headphones have been so real sounding they can fool a jaundiced audiophile and have been able to do so for decades. I can recount several experiences where this was underlined in spa... | |
Ground voltage!! @bushikai Current is in Amps, Voltage is in Volts. So what are you trying to say? | |
System that sounds so real it is easy to mistaken it is not live @lewm It takes a whole lot bigger can to get them all back inside! | |
Small Footprint SS Power Amps reality is, with class d tech of various types, small footprint amps with substantial capability are plentiful these days Yes- ours is only 11" wide. We thought of making a version that hung off of the speaker terminals to create a 'powered' sp... | |
What is the “World’s Best Cartridge”? Mijo, as I think you know, my amplifiers are essentially older MA2s with huge EI type power transformers that make them very heavy. I think you’ll be getting toroidal power transformers on your new MA2s. Much lighter. @lewm To be clear this is ... |