Responses from atmasphere
Cryo valves- any experince? Regardless of the sound I think you will find that cyro'd tubes don't hold up as well. There are certain things that can be helped out by the process, but tubes are not one of them. | |
Tube Life: 6SN7, 6DJ8, 12AT7 et al. Anacrusis, IME tubes degrade gradually along a fairly linear curve. So much depends on the circuit and the individual tube though that beyond that any generalizations can be wildly inaccurate. IOW, if you are looking at a particular tube product, ... | |
Class A Power Amp Degredation Hi Warren, The Zu Definition is available in a 30-ohm version. All the reports I have is that this version of the speaker is really something to hear, and it can be easily driven by smaller tube amplifiers, which will sound a lot better driving 30... | |
Acquiring an awesome system, but how? If you have trouble finding them let me know, they are just now getting their marketing off the ground. | |
G.E.C. 6080 / CV2984 tubes - anyone tried these? 6080s come in two varieties, one with a large grid heatsink and one with a smaller grid heatsink. Neither tube should be used in an amplifier that uses a fixed bias scheme in the output section. Amps that have automated bias and adjustable bias ar... | |
Class A Power Amp Degredation Elevick, a class A amplifier, by definition, is class A at full output. If not, it is called class AB. There is no exception to this definition- the amplifier is class A if the output device does not go into cutoff at full power. It is true that c... | |
Tube Life: 6SN7, 6DJ8, 12AT7 et al. We've seen 6SN7s go 50,000 hours if they are NOS varieties. Our experience has been that of the modern 6SN7s (Chinese and Russian), that the Chinese tubes usually last longer, unless you have obtained some NOS Russian types made before about 1987.... | |
Acquiring an awesome system, but how? Hi Pedrillo, you might look into the High Emotion Audio P-7 loudspeaker. Its not fully omni-directional, but its tweeter array is the next best thing, and otherwise a more transparent, faster tweeter than that of the mbl. The speaker has a rear-fi... | |
Reason for buying old/classic turntables Sheesh Lew, the only thing you're missing is an Empire...IMO/IME, none of the vintage turntables bring home the music like a new table does, unless they are updated/modified/tweaked/whatever. But then they do quite well.I hope everyone is having a... | |
Triplanar RCA out to Balanced out for MP-1 With the grounds set up in this manner, there is no chance of a ground loop. | |
Reason for buying old/classic turntables Macrojack, the car analogy to me was not that bad. Car companies have had plenty of cash to play with R&D (until recently), but due to the corporate climate that was the *last* thing they were going to do. The result is that there has been onl... | |
Transformer-coupled tube phono pres Paulfolbrecht, there is another way of getting a low output impedance with tubes. called the Circlotron. It is not commonly used in tube preamps, mostly because of patent issues. But a tube preamp using a Circlotron can drive 32 ohm headphones- in... | |
The "charactor" of pure Class A? Cdc, just for the record, anytime you are 'mixing' class A with B, its called A/B. IOW that's the definition. Also, Class A amplifiers are the best at rock- Class A should be the best at everything, FWIW. If Stereophile said otherwise it is only b... | |
The "charactor" of pure Class A? One of the primary things that all class A amps seem to have in common is a sense of authority. They just seem to carry more weight or body in the music. There are so many variables in amplifier design that going beyond that simple statement gets ... | |
Best high end monitors? Phaelon, I've yet to hear them, and looking forward to it. From what I've heard, they are a good combination with our stuff. |