

Responses from atmasphere

Solid State Amps for Quad ESL 57?
Mrtennis, the only way I've seen proper bass out of Quads with transistors was when the panel was too close to the rear wall. At the same time the highs were dreadful- harsh and lacking real speed. I have trouble believing something like that coul... 
The best phono stage out there?
Noise floor is not the final word in phono stages by any means. Some phono stages are quiet, until you put on a record and realize that there are an awful lot of ticks and pops. Other phono stages (usually ones with passive EQ) may have a slightly... 
Help gaining knowledge on SET
FWIW unless you really listen near-field, not many SETs are going to work with a speaker that is only 91 or 92 db. SETs in general don't make a lot of power- 22 watts is a big one, and 22 watts will not do the job on a speaker with efficiency that... 
Solid State Amps for Quad ESL 57?
Hi Sarcher30, in the case of transistor amps, the ideal is to be able to deliver the same output voltage regardless of the load impedance. That being the case, then a 100 watt amplifier driving 8 ohms will make 200 watts into 4 ohms and 400 watts ... 
Solid State Amps for Quad ESL 57?
Hi Sean, Whatever that was that you read is misleading- it violates Kirchoff's Law, the law of electrical energy conservation. IOW if you put 100 watts into 4 ohms or 100 watts into 8, the output will be the same if the speaker efficiency is the s... 
The best phono stage out there?
The word 'best' exists for a reason. In the audio world though, defining what that even means is troublesome. So what is the best? Is it something that everyone agrees on? no.The best specs? Maybe, but likely not. Its now well-proven that what is ... 
Best high end monitors?
A great monitor but needs a lot of power. 
Solid State Amps for Quad ESL 57?
Sarcher30, Innersounds are built with lower impedances in an effort to make the speaker more compatible with transistors. The Quad ESL 57 has a peak of more than 50 ohms in the bass; there simply are not a lot of transistor amplifiers that can dri... 
Quality inversely related to power output?
Hi Shadorne, the Classic Audio Loudspeaker model T-1 or T-3 would suit the bill nicely :) My contention though is once the speaker efficiency has fallen below about 89 or 88 db, there really isn't anything out there that is affordable (meaning: un... 
Mysterious Hum
Palewin, When the preamp is off it has a high impedance- so its nearly the same thing as having the interconnect cables connected to the amp with nothing on the other end.When the preamp is on, its output impedance is low and you don't get hum pic... 
How will XLR cables vs RCA effect a phono pre
Hi Undertow, you do **not** have to modify the tone arm. Most arms are already set up as balanced sources, even the lowly BSRs, Garrards and Duals of yesteryear. You do have to jump through some hurdles with the air-bearing straight tracking arms,... 
How will XLR cables vs RCA effect a phono pre
Noise is always an issue in phono reproduction. Anything you can do to reduce it is helpful, as long as those techniques do not introduce other problems.Balanced operation is on of those techniques that works. You get reduced noise in 2 ways:1) re... 
Best high end monitors?
Jls3, HEA acknowledges that the tweeter looks similar, but insists that that the basic operating principle is quite different, hence their patent in the area. They also have a patent on the manufacturing process. I have spoken to the designer- the... 
Quality inversely related to power output?
There are few cases where larger amplifiers will sound better, all other things being equal. The disclaimer is important, since there are so many variables in amplifier design. The 'first watt' concept has a lot of credibility, since in many cases... 
Designer Hall of Fame
He disappeared one year when he was supposed to be going to CES. The FBI got involved and was watching his home and had his phone redirected. There were a lot of weird rumors (faked his death, went into hiding, weird inventions, paranoia, that sor...