

Responses from atmasphere

What's more important, watts or capacitance?
I don't listen at real high volumes, but I do like classical music at close to live levels.Classical music can get to 115 db in the first 5 rows of almost any concert hall. To do that with your speakers will require over 1000 watts.A nimble amplif... 
Rectifier tube keeps blowing
Sounds like a bad filter capacitor to me. 
Rectifier tube keeps blowing
Devilboy, try starting up the amp with no output tubes in the sockets. If the rectifier blows, your filter caps are shot. Its a hellava way to find bad caps IMO, but you would know for sure.The fact that it did this before and after power tube rep... 
Help needed to diagnose preamp channel unbalance.
So replace the volume control already :) this is a classic volume control-related symptom. Nothing to do with tubes... 
Rectifier tube keeps blowing
I would not be surprised to find a bad filter capacitor in the power supply of this amp.However, you did offer a clue to an alternative explanation:You just installed a new set of 6550s in the amp. Did the rectifier by any change begin blowing aft... 
ZU OMEN speakers 12ohms??
The ZU speakers seem to work better with amplifiers that have a slightly higher output impedance, and the newer models seem like they are more accurate/less forgiving of brightness and sluggish behavior from the amp. So yes, some amps will be reve... 
vintage amps
Do you mean the really unstable one that was hard to keep running? 
Resolving amps
IME Maggies are easy to drive if the amp is alright with the load. A lot of tube amps can do the job other than this. So if you want a tube amp, often you can use a set of ZEROs http://www.zeroimpedance.com and do quite well. Sixty to eighty watts... 
Why no remote controlled discrete resistor volume?
Mitch2, your experience is correct. There is no way around the fact that you have to control the volume; the more revealing your system is the more you have to make sure that the volume control is not messing things up. You can get the control out... 
Mark Levinson 32 or Audio Research Reference 3
And I might add that there are tube preamps (with direct-coupled outputs no less) that can drive 100 feet of interconnect with ease.So why is it down to just these two preamps? Is it a price thing? 
ZU OMEN speakers 12ohms??
No- they like power just fine, as long as the amp has the finesse to not make a fool of itself. 
What speaker for being close to rear wall?
My Classic Audio Loudspeakers are 6 inches from the rear wall and no worries. The down-firing woofers seem to be effective at dealing with proximity issues- the speakers don't boom even though they go down to 20Hz. Duke of Audiokinesis had a set o... 
Why no remote controlled discrete resistor volume?
Motorizing a switched control can be a bit of a trick. You can have some torque to overcome, if the switch is worth a hoot. No way are you going to see this for $35.00!I've been watching the chip technology for 17 years now. The new ones are a lot... 
Tube Single Ended Triode Questions??
Tdelahanty, what you are describing is known as 'class B' operation. It is also possible to have a class A push-pull amp, where both tubes are always conducting throughout the entire signal, even at full power.This makes for a better sounding amp,... 
How close to the real thing?
Onhwy61, that may be so. When I got the U67s nearly 30 years ago, I knew they were great mics, but had no idea how really great they actually are. As our equipment for recording and playback has improved, I've really come to realize that microphon...