

Responses from atmasphere

Spectron vs any good tube amp.
Charles1dad, you and I are on the same page when it comes to the 'too loud' thing. I for one value my hearing quite a lot- I think anyone here does as well. The point of my prior post was simply that SETs can create a 'too loud' experience at an *... 
Is there any truth to this question?
It has more to do with the transients in digital recordings compared to most vinyl. PLaying a record is a physical process involving mass and inertia that inhibits the ability to deliver transients. The fact is historically most vinyl rigs/record ... 
Spectron vs any good tube amp.
Charles1dad, just a FWIW: one of the reasons that you are less likely to listen to an SET at higher volume levels has to do with the way SETs make distortion as power increases.As power levels drop towards zero the distortion becomes unmeasurable.... 
mbl - is there a problem?
I've heard mbl sound quite decent, but IMO if you want that to happen you have to spend some time and money with them. They are not as hard to drive as you might think- 200 watts will suit most of the time. But your room had better have some good ... 
Is there any truth to this question?
I have 4 ohm speakers being driven by a 150wpc into 4 ohm amp. Say I never go louder than 3 watts. I should have enough power for all peaks and dynamic events.Say I then replace that 150wpc @ 4 ohm amp with one rated at 300wpc into 4 ohms. I still... 
TRL Dude or Joule 150 MKII for Major Pre Upgrade
Grannyring, that info weakens my theory about the specific malfunction, but strengthens the idea that the amp is at fault. If the amp is in warranty I would return it for repair. 
Is there any truth to this question?
The Vandersteens are an easy load for most amps (including OTLs); IMO going with a more powerful amplifier is likely not the best move- it will be more likely that the 'first watt' issues will be exacerbated.If you play the system as loud as you c... 
24 feet DIN to XLR phono cable for Graham Phantom?
Jbuenech, if the XLR input is done via a StepUp Transformer, then you will get the benefit of a proper balanced input as the Common Mode Refection Ratio at the input should be quite respectable, this so long as the SUT is tied to pin 2 and 3, and ... 
TRL Dude or Joule 150 MKII for Major Pre Upgrade
From the descriptions above, IMO the preamp is off the hook- this is a problem with the power amp.Also based on these descriptions, its my theory that the amplifier has a problem with noisy rectifiers, which is getting picked up at the input if th... 
My Final Amplifier Purchase - What Would You Buy?
Nightfall, The S-30 will drive the HEA Bella Twin just fine- we do it all the time as we have a set here. Into that speaker the S-30 makes 45 watts. Since it is 93 db, in most situations that does very well. The Bella Twin has the super high speed... 
Is there any truth to this question?
This question frequently relates to what is often known as the 'first watt'. Many amplifiers have a minimum amount of distortion that occurs at more than zero watts- depending on the amp, it might be a couple of watts and then below that distortio... 
24 feet DIN to XLR phono cable for Graham Phantom?
If the preamp accepts the phono signal differentially, then you stand a very good chance of making this work, especially if the cartridge is loaded at something less than 600 ohms.This will create a low impedance balanced line, and will be quite i... 
TRL Dude or Joule 150 MKII for Major Pre Upgrade
It is possible that the power supply ground of the speaker is somehow also connected to the speaker terminals. That could cause some amplifiers to be ground-looped. A continuity test between the ground pin of the AC cord and the speaker terminals ... 
My Final Amplifier Purchase - What Would You Buy?
Hello Nightfall, I don't think I recommended a particular speaker, but if I did I would expect that Audiokinesis would have been on the short list. Duke is an outstanding designer and also easy to deal with.Other matches with the S-30: Merlins, ZU... 
TRL Dude or Joule 150 MKII for Major Pre Upgrade
This is *starting* to sound like the preamp is off the hook. Did you make sure a jumper is there between pin 1 and 3 of the XLRs? If that is missing it may not matter what the source is.A balanced amplifier has 2 inputs: inverting and non-invertin...