

Responses from atmasphere

XLR cables for a reasonable price?
You understand that AES48 is just one "standard," correct? There are other ways to design balanced components and choosing an alternative doesn't mean the standard you so cherish is "ignored." @cleeds You are correct to a point. There are other... 
XLR cables for a reasonable price?
As if there were no other good amps or engineering approaches. There are, and many. I believe that manufacturers and dealers should be honorably dismissed. It doesn’t matter how much knowledge and skill they might have, this is not a proper place... 
Class D amplifiers. What's the future look like?
I think he might need to work on his business model 😁 @soix FWIW Eric uses a set of DeVore Fidelity speakers in his system; the same that he used for the M-60 review. IIRC the o/96s.  
XLR cables for a reasonable price?
And then there's the fourth way, which I think may be the most common: use an operational amplifier. ("Op-amp.") They can be fully discrete, and seem to be the approach used by many, such as ARC, for example. @cleeds  Opamps can generate a bala... 
Class D amplifiers. What's the future look like?
when i just look at his D with the chassis open, it ain’t looking like much to me. Class D, done properly, is never going to look like much. Its very different from a tube amp in that regard!! The biggest issue class D has to contend with is no... 
XLR cables for a reasonable price?
What you seem to be implying is that the internal wiring in a balanced amplifier, or preamp is not important either. @tonywinga If this comment is directed at me, no, I did not imply that at all! The quality needed internally is very dependent ... 
XLR cables for a reasonable price?
All XLR cables sound the same? A fantasy that we all wish were true. I thought that based on a lot of talk on these forums until I started trying out some different XLR’s in my system. Then I bought some of the top of the line Purist Audio Design... 
XLR cables for a reasonable price?
This is absolutely false. Single ended or balanced the first most important thing is the quality of the wire. How much this affects the sound quality depends on your components. In general consumer products, not at all, budget components most lik... 
Class D amplifiers. What's the future look like?
Speaking of bass and guitar players, with tubes you can tune and fine tune the sound by tube rolling. And with SS, any class ? @inna Many guitar and bass players rely on their effects 'pedals' to sculpt their sound. So a lot of the time they ju... 
Class D amplifiers. What's the future look like?
I wish my ears were more forgiving. I think I could make some Class D work for my ears with tube line stages and dacs, but, i really don't want to deal with the confoundedness/pestilence/mainteance crap with tubes anymore... @deep_333  @inna I ... 
Class D amplifiers. What's the future look like?
@deep_333 I've seen that list of quotes before. They got debunked due to their age.  A lot of those quotes you listed are from nearly 20 years ago. At that time I was of the same opinion as seen in them. One way you can date the quotes: look at ... 
Annoying trend? New vinyl equalization and compression
@mahler123  The radio stations have their own compression they've used for decades, even back in the 1960s.  I don't doubt Colombia was using compression though. I was commenting on much more recent releases.  
Class D amplifiers. What's the future look like?
Why is there this "push" to Class-D in the first place? What do you gain? In what way would they ever be sonically better than a good Class A or AB amp? @moonwatcher Class D offers something that is very hard to achieve with A and AB amplifiers... 
Annoying trend? New vinyl equalization and compression
I doubt that Technics is selling all their new turntables to just the high end market. When we were mastering LPs for a digital source file, we would try to make sure that the file had no DSP other than normalization. In that way we could master ... 
Class D amplifiers. What's the future look like?
They will go the way of cd players, in ten years no one will need them. Ralph and others perhaps have some time to cash in. He does not prefer his class D to his and many others tube amps. He won't fool me. @inna I don't think if I was trying t...