

Responses from atmasphere

audiphile power cords
Phd, please go back and reread some of my earlier comments and you will see an answer based on measurements as to why power cords make a difference, which includes tube and solid state amps. Ketchup, I'm with Al on this one: I don't recommend havi... 
Strange Hum from Right Pre Channel Only
An intermittent connection in the XLR cables sounds the most plausible from everything presented so far as Xti16 suggested. 
Phono stage w/automatic Load-Impedanance.
Cartridge loading of low output moving coils is almost of no consequence unless the preamp is unstable or unhappy with ultrasonic or Radio Frequency bursts at its input.If you find that loading is making a difference with your setup, its an indica... 
Why so few balanced phono inputs?
^^ The thing you have to be careful about with this statement is the cable used. If a shield is involved and it is tied to pin 3 while pin 2 has the inside connection, its not going to work regardless of the impedance to ground. IOW the balanced c... 
Joule Electra Amp Repair
Ddriveman, we could if we knew what the renovation entailed. Speaking from a lot of experience the area though, even if we did all that is known it likely would not be the same. This is because there are always nuances that are not usually not obv... 
Analog Impressions from Munich High End 2015
All of the Triplanars use the same bearings, which are the hardest made worldwide that won't also shatter. The geometry of the 12" is different since the longer length has lower distortion. 
Sound Lab vs Magnepan 20.7
Stringreen, The newer SL ESLs are not only more reliable, they are also a lot easier to drive and sound better at the same time. They appear to have wider bandwidth and higher efficiency than the Maggies do, whereas a few years ago I would have sa... 
Joule Electra Amp Repair
If you need help with JE amps we can certainly assist. 
Thinking about buying a different tube preamp...
You should be aware that just because a tube is new does not mean it will be quiet or low microphonics. Tubes in premium gear almost always have to be hand-picked, despite what you pay for them.So you got one Sophia that was noisy- send it back an... 
Why does my tube amp
The harder you push your amp the shorter the life of the power tubes. Lower impedance + lower efficiency = shorter tube life.Another thing to consider that there really isn't a good justification for low impedance if sound quality is your goal. **... 
You might try seeing if the tape monitor function has a dirty switch. That could make the unit act as you describe. Operate the switch a few times and see if the channel pops back in.A dirty slector switch can cause this too. 
Analog Impressions from Munich High End 2015
The Feickert was in the Purist Audio Room, shared by Triplanar and Atma-Sphere Music Systems.The Triplanar 12" arm is pretty sweet. Its actually lower mass than the original 9" arm. After using the Fieckert over last week I really came to apprecia... 
I connected the ground cable from the turntable to SUT and a wire from the SUT to the phono preamp.Then, most of the hums were gone. The level of hum was further reduced compared to the ground cable connected to the phono preamp or the preamp.Is i... 
Thinking about buying a different tube preamp...
OK- my surmise was correct- you have a lot of gain with that amp. If you want the Modwight to work you will have to hand-pick the 6SN7s for low noise. This should not be that challenging- we use 6SN7s in all of our line stages and can get them to ... 
Why does my tube amp
The interface between the amp and speaker is what makes for a good combination. Its not always the case that transistors can drive any speaker made and do the job correctly.It may simply be that your speaker is designed to work with tubes and to t...