

Responses from atmasphere

Sound Lab vs Magnepan 20.7
Acoustat actually made a powered direct-drive ESL. They had to integrate the amp into the speaker on account of the rather dangerous high voltages involved. This will be the case with any direct-drive installation. Of course, any ESL can be direct... 
Phono stage w/automatic Load-Impedanance.
But I think for many audiophiles using MC cartridges it is difficult to get their head wrapped around not being able to "load" the cartridge-I think this is perceived very negatively. Hence this type of phono preamp is probably a harder sell in th... 
Help with a system for a guy into electronic music
I'm into more downtempo stuff myself- Global Communications, Infinity Project, Symbiosis, Yello (although a lot of their stuff is quite danceable), Future Sound of London... 
Sound Lab vs Magnepan 20.7
Clio09, you should know by now that getting rid of the transformer gets you greater transparency :)However direct-driving ESLs has its own set of problems- chief amongst them is how the amplifier can be safely connected to the speaker such that it... 
amp or preamp to extend upper end
Just a FWIW: brightness and detail are not the same thing, but quite often when an amplifier is bright, it is often perceived as more detailed. 
Phono stage w/automatic Load-Impedanance.
Hdm, current gain designs often tend to work with a slightly different principle. In tubes, one means is called 'grounded grid' as the cathode of the tube is used as an input. With transistors, the emitter device of the semiconductor becomes the i... 
Strange Hum from Right Pre Channel Only
OK. Leave the cables connected at the preamplifier end.Connect the other end of the cables to the amp. Do you get the hum?If yes, swap the interconnect cables left for right **at the amplifier end only**. Did the hum move or stay put? 
Phono stage w/automatic Load-Impedanance.
Many cartridges that make 0.2mV into 100 ohms can do so into 50 ohms as well. Its a small amount of wattage, but you can see in this example that in the latter case it would be making twice as much power as the former. This has to come from somewh... 
Phono stage w/automatic Load-Impedanance.
Apparently you think this is the only reason to load down a cartridge. If so, you're wrong. I've already explained that wide open is not always better. Maybe it is in your preamp, I wouldn't know, but we're not talking about your preamp.I am not t... 
Strange Hum from Right Pre Channel Only
Were you using the same XLR cables with the DAC as you were with the preamp? 
Why so few balanced phono inputs?
^^ got it John! Thekong, you hit the nail on the head- dealers don't like to change cables- removing a tone arm cable from its connector under the 'table can be a bit of a pain. Anytime you see an XLR connection but the circuit is single-ended, it... 
Phono stage w/automatic Load-Impedanance.
Fleib, with all due respect, rather than calling my comments BS, why don't you look into the matter? I suggest you look at the comments of JCarr (Jonathan Carr of Lyra, who is active on this forum) about the effects of cartridge loading. Or how ab... 
MC Phono preamp gains
^^ only if the phono stage is unstable. Loading of LOMC cartridges is all about the phono section and makes no difference to the cartridge other than reducing its output. The problem is that some phono sections act out a bit when presented with ul... 
Strange Hum from Right Pre Channel Only
I've had it happen exactly that way a few times. Next time you have a problem, see if moving the cable at the input to the amp can make it come and go. 
Phono stage w/automatic Load-Impedanance.
Tubes are inappropriate for a high gain stage. They're too noisy, so they employ either a SUT or a solid state high gain stage.This statement is incorrect. We have been using all-tube phono sections for LOMC cartridges for about 25 years and they ...