Responses from atmasphere
Will Changing my 100 Watt Tube Amp to a 200 Watt SS Amp Solve My Problem? After tinkering with the placement of the phonostage and the gain settings, I am suspecting the preamp is the culprit.Am I wrong in feeling funny about 3 o'clock on the volume to get a rockin' experience? Seems like the high dial position is pus... | |
Will Changing my 100 Watt Tube Amp to a 200 Watt SS Amp Solve My Problem? Al, when you turn up the volume and that results in noise, that is a preamplifier problem. Its true that the amp might have a certain low sensitivity requiring a higher volume setting, but even if the amp was more sensitive, you would still get th... | |
SET vs OTL I would say that a well designed SET 2A3/300B has the warm sound than also well designed an OTL having the same output wattage.There really aren't any OTLs that make the 2-7 watts as suggested by the above post. OTLs become less practical at lowe... | |
Hybrid tube/ss phono pre amps. Are they better than just Tube or SS alone? IMO you are better off with a tube preamp. While tubes do have slightly more noise than transistors, the really big difference between them in preamps is that tubes are better at low level detail. This is something that cannot be replaced downstre... | |
Will Changing my 100 Watt Tube Amp to a 200 Watt SS Amp Solve My Problem? This is not a power amplifier issue!This is a noise problem in the preamp. Ahendler got it right. | |
Neutral electronics are a farce... The analogy does not hold up.Do you have a method of measuring the effect you describe? | |
Neutral electronics are a farce... I think it is a matter of how stable and how focused compared to live.I recommend that you get a set of really good microphones (I use Neumann U-67s) and go out and make your own recordings. That's what I do (Canto General, which was produced on L... | |
Neutral electronics are a farce... I've heard speakers that you can pick up and move around and all the while the soundstage is perfectly focused. Not all speakers do that but some do.The first time I head that Mike Maloney was moving his Tesla loudspeakers around while I was in th... | |
Neutral electronics are a farce... If you kill the phase errors you kill harmonic distortion.Hm. That's good work if you can get it. a nutshell though such is not the case, you have have harmonic distortion while at the same time hav... | |
Neutral electronics are a farce... ^^ of course, there is the issue of what is meant by 'zero distortion'. | |
Which Preamp Audio Research LS3B or Sonic Frontiers SFL-1 Is there any particular reason you are looking at these two preamps? IMO there are a lot of preamps out there that might do you better for the same money. | |
what pre-amps to try You might be able to find a used Atma-Sphere MP-3 for that price. | |
Looking to upgrade Field coil generator- any thoughts I have a set of John's speakers as well.What you want is a good regulated power supply. John had me researching the Tungar phenomena a while back, and what I can tell you about that is that Tungars can't be properly bypassed (IOW, properly filtere... | |
Moving Coil Transformers And Preamps...Which ones Jensen makes excellent SUTs for low output moving coil cartridges.Loading of the output of the SUT is critical, regardless of the SUT, for best performance! | |
SET vs OTL The Audio Note AN-e LX HE is a fairly benign load and is no problem for an OTL of sufficient power- our customers use our M-60s on that speaker. The speaker definitely benefits from the greater power! |