Responses from atmasphere
What settings do people use with Lyra cartridges? If you ask J Carr about loading, you will find that he says the same thing that I do. What is happening is the cartridge inductance interacts with the tone arm cable capacitance to form a tuned Radio Frequency (RF) circuit. It resonates when ener... | |
New amp for Vandersteen 2CE Thanks Atmasphere. I have tube guitar amps, but haven’t gone to tubes in my audio system. For now exposed tubes seem like a problem waiting to happen - kids. I've seen comments like this a fair number of times in the last 40 years. It does make ... | |
from ARC to Pass ? Most ARC preamps won't handle less than 30K input impedance. So you can just barely pull it off, as the Pass specs do state a 30K input impedance. You might contact them and clarify what the 30K/20K spec is regarding their input impedance, just to... | |
Help...hum issue with new preamp Couldn't he do the same thing at the end of the two XLR cable connectors that plugs into the preamp? Solder a jumper wire from pin 1 to pin 3 of the female connector.Yes, he could. I doubt the preamp is in warranty FWIW; if it is I would conside... | |
Amplifier with no serial # Sometimes equipment gets out the door without it being serialized. I this from experience and isn't something I'm proud of but that is how it is. In other words, it may not be significant. I have a nice Gibson guitar that isn't serialized; when yo... | |
Patents Filed for ‘High Definition Vinyl’ Technology While this looks quite interesting, The phrase "Mechanically scratching audio grooves into a lacquer foil" is untrue and is part of marketing.The way its done now, the groove is cut, not 'scratched' and its done with a heated stylus so its closer ... | |
What settings do people use with Lyra cartridges? If your preamp has stability problems, start with 100 ohms.If your preamp does not have stability problems, you will be fine with the stock 47K. Loading has everything to do with the preamp and not so much to do with the cartridge when it come to ... | |
Help...hum issue with new preamp Maybe Ralph, the owner of Atma-Sphere, will see this thread and respond.Indeed I did.I'm pretty sure all that is happening here is that the Supratek has no internal connection on its XLR (since its a single-ended preamp) between pin 1 and pin 3. A... | |
New amp for Vandersteen 2CE If you're staying solid state, the Pass would be my first recommendation.But the 2CEs work really well with tube amplifiers (we have a lot of customers using them), and if you "would like a little more clarity in the midrange" as you put it a tube... | |
What is best turntable for listening to Rock from the sixties like Led Zeppelin? Ralph's (Atmasphere) contention that components being music-sensitive is a myth is not one I can agree with. One example of that argument being mistaken is in the obvious case of the original Quad loudspeaker. I have and love the speaker, and l... | |
Ghost repeats during vinyl playback The recording was made on a tape recorder. The phenomena is known as 'print through' and is caused by the tape being wound around on itself and the tape is able to transfer some of its magnetism to the tape that is wound against it. You hear it mo... | |
How should I install the new tubes in my stereo amplifier? Newbee is correct. A matched pair should be placed together. This insures that the amp has the lowest distortion and makes the most power.If they were to get mixed up, you would be far more likely to experience a channel imbalance! Keep your match... | |
Preamp... Solid State or Tube Back to preamp, I am looking for fully balanced circuitry from input to output.You've not mentioned if you need a phono section.Our MP-3 (which is fully balanced-differential and all-tube) would fit the bill and is known to work quite well with t... | |
Now Keith Emerson is gone... Probably my greatest rock hero and one of the most accomplished rock keyboard players the world has seen.RIP dude. | |
What is best turntable for listening to Rock from the sixties like Led Zeppelin? This is one of the biggest myths in audio- that certain types of equipment might favor a certain kind of music. The fact is the equipment does not care and does not exercise any taste at all. A good turntable will treat all kinds of music the same. |