

Responses from atmasphere

Why not use an arc'ed lathe?
I can answer part of this.The actual mechanics of doing a radial cut on a lathe is not that profound. The problem is that the cutting sylus is good for about 10 hours on the outside. Each stylus seems to be different from every other stylus. So wh... 
Don't think my preamp likes feeding signal to two seperate places.
Many subs can operate off of the output of the amplifier terminals. You might contact the manufacturer and see if this is the case for your model. 
Don't think my preamp likes feeding signal to two seperate places.
An additional problem is that the RCA is in parallel with the balanced output on the ARC preamp. This means that as soon as the RCA connection is used, the output of the balanced connection is no longer really balanced. There's a lot here that is ... 
Enough SET Power for Rock and Roll
but I rarely hear those loudness queues you are speaking of. Even on very dynamic orchestral music I hear power and it even seems that there is additional headroom to spare. The way you would notice them is if the system sounds loud.The use of a... 
Cheater plug safety
In order to make my Dynaco st70 safe to use, I would need to have a three prong plug attached? Easy to have done, but just asking if that is the solution?No- not saying you can't do it, its just that its more complex than that. The amp employs ... 
Class D Technology
Tube amps generally require certain speakers that are an easier load and more efficient to shine. This is true of all amps including class D. You can see it in the specs. If high end audio reproduction is your goal, there is no argument for a spea... 
Do equipment stands have an impact on electronics?
Does vibration of any form effect electrical performance in electronics and why? The why is microphonics. The devices affected are tubes, transistors, film capacitors and cables. The most microphonic tubes I've seen are frame grid triodes of the 6... 
Enough SET Power for Rock and Roll
you'll find yourself turning it down to 50-60 decibels and about 2-3 watts per channel,There is a reason that it appears that you don't need the power if you have SETs. It has to do with how they distort and how the human ear/brain system uses hig... 
Class D Technology
The switching time is an issue. The output devices have to switch on and off at a pretty high speed. The problem is, they can't both be conducting at the same time. That is to say, it takes a certain amount of time for the devices to turn on and t... 
is it ok to leave a tube amp on without speakers connected
Dynaco's ST70 manual does not recommend leaving the speakers off.The trick is make sure there is no signal input. For modern amps best to check with the manufacturer. 
Power conditioner help
I think any balanced transformer, actually any transformer, would benefit greatly from a reduction in incoming ac line harmonics; just as industrial users do. Suggestions atmasphere?Of course! Line harmonics are quite deleterious to transformer ... 
Power conditioner help
Ebay and Valuetronics are two good sources. 
is it ok to leave a tube amp on without speakers connected
The answer is yes IF the amp is stable. If it is not, then the amp can be damaged. If left without a load, the amp should not have a signal applied to it as without a load the transformer can arc. But I've seen many tube amps you could leave on al... 
Power conditioner help
An isolation transformer would be beneficial; 2 would be better. 1 for your digital player and 1 for analog source; however "balanced transformers" like Equitech are better yet.An isolation transfomer that is being used as a passive device will ... 
Pipedream Crossover
Contact High Emotion Audio. They still make the Pipedreams and have updated crossovers for the older models. Does anyone know if an electronic crossover can be used todirect pre-amplifier low frequency output to a 'center channel' subwooferwithout...