

Responses from atmasphere

Class D = Trash?
 Here's a link to what I was referring to in my last post about reading of faster switching mosfets:http://audiophilereview.com/cd-dac-digital/why-well-soon-be-living-in-a-class-d-world.htmlHmm. I'm a fan of class D amps (really expect them to bri... 
Tube Preamp W/Phono Stage Suggestions...
@elrod, OK-  just so you know, although the MP-3 is a fully balanced preamp, it can be operated with a single-ended output. We usually have to set it up to do that, since balanced and single-ended are basically incompatible. We set it up with a sw... 
Tube Preamp W/Phono Stage Suggestions...
@elrod Does your amplifier have a balanced input? 
Class D = Trash?
Personally I have lost all interest in hard to drive speakers because I find their total cost of ownership just too high for little value. +1 on that!When you can connect headphones to the power supply of any amplifier and hear the audio signal, ... 
coupling or decoupling of vinyl to/ from platter
If a center weight is used that is very heavy, let’s say 2 lb. the lighter records will lift from the mat. This happens because the mat depression edge will act as fulcrum. This information tells us we should use a center weight tuned for the... 
coupling or decoupling of vinyl to/ from platter
In my case, with a Classic 1, VPI recommends against a mat. To reiterate the original question, what's the theory?I explained the job of the mat- it is ideally a damping device. The problem is that when the stylus tracks a groove, the vinyl reson... 
Amps Atma-Sphere M-60 Mono blocks OTL design
My forecast is the ZEROs aren't going to offer much in this installation. 
Amps Atma-Sphere M-60 Mono blocks OTL design
Yes, but can the M-60 power these to rock music levels?I play in a rock band. Audiophiles in general don't play **any** system to rock levels :) 
Amps Atma-Sphere M-60 Mono blocks OTL design
^^ Yes! We have a number of customers that run ETs as well, and very successfully.  
coupling or decoupling of vinyl to/ from platter
If the LP has to be decoupled from the platter to get rid of motor noise, the turntable has a really serious problem and should be repaired. I think we can discount that explanation.A proper platter pad does several things at once, that is if its ... 
Amps Atma-Sphere M-60 Mono blocks OTL design
Doesn't using zero transformers defeat the whole point of an OTL amp? It's putting  a transformer in and makes it similar to a non OTL push pull tube amp.'Defeat' as used in the question above suggests that an OTL is trying to do something that ... 
Balanced and RCA concurrently?
If you are trying to drive the amp with two different sources, assuming that one of them is not playing, the presence of the other will load the source that is playing.By 'load', imagine carrying ten pounds for ten miles. Not so bad if you are in ... 
Tri-Planar Vll "SE Upgrade"
Any arm can do 70 microns or even 80. Its no big deal and Triplanars can do it too no worries.I don't need a test LP; I can perform tests using my lathe.The technical story is easy to understand. I'm sure most that have read this far followed it w... 
Balanced and RCA concurrently?
There is no danger, but it won't work. The other sources plugged into the amp will load the preamp, and vice versa.What you need is a preamp with more inputs, and possibly also a balanced output. 
Tri-Planar Vll "SE Upgrade"
Folks, just so you know, 50 microns is about the same as 2 mils (which is how groove deflection is measured in the US if you have American-made LP mastering gear). Many systems use microns these days as many cutter systems are European-made. 2 mil...