Responses from atmasphere
Fuses fuses fuses Who are these 'naysayers'?? The ones saying they can hear the difference, or the ones that confirm that there is a reason they can hear a difference?I suspect those two groups are not the naysayers... because confirmation isn't naysaying. Best I c... | |
Fuses fuses fuses why on Earth would they have even had someone test fuses if not to prove - or at least show evidence - that fuses in general are directional and that HiFi Tuning fuses exhibited better measured characteristics in terms of conductivity than oth... | |
Best Tube Amp For Sonus Faber? Or Pass XA-100.5? $6-7,500 Budget, Purchasing Used. A tube creates distortionMost transistors create a lot more. In fact triodes are extremely linear! What makes distortion in any amp is not so much the devices used, but **how** they are used: the topology. Some tube amps are inherently extremely l... | |
Fuses fuses fuses No.A fuse has a voltage drop and in the case of fast blow fuses, one that can be pretty variable as current varies through the device. This usually has an adverse effect on the sound if nothing is done in the circuit to deal with the phenomena.Eli... | |
Help me decide what to do with old tube amps It would not be a problem to get either refurbished. The parts likely needed are power supply filter capacitors, which are not proprietary. Any competent technician could handle the repair. | |
Price No Object Amps @gdhal And it wouldn’t surprise me if it’s one of yours :) You're right, but it was the S-30, which costs about 2 orders of magnitude less. Even if gold wire is used, I don't see how a product doing what some of the amps on this list do could cost... | |
Another preamp suggestion thread for my Kharma/Mac combo The Atma-Sphere MP-3 might suit the bill and you can likely find a used one for less than that. Its all-tube, fully balanced and differential, has a direct-coupled output and can drive long cables easily. Plus it does not matter if the amp is tube... | |
Fuses fuses fuses DC or ac application of a fuse in the world of audio means it is subject to having signal modulated though it, in almost every single case of use. Except that of lets say a DC output power supply into another dc circuit. Minimized flow changes.... | |
Fuses fuses fuses @timlub you are correct. Did you read my prior posts? | |
Price No Object Amps I can think of a few amps costing a lot less that actually sound better; in two cases having heard them side by side (although that was a few years ago).say'n | |
Amp recommendations A set of ZEROs will allow most tube amplifiers to drive the MLs quite nicely. This is a good move, as the speakers are very revealing and you will enjoy the extra detail that many tube amps bring to the table (there is a reason that Best Buy showe... | |
Fuses fuses fuses What possible financial motive would Audioquest have in promoting cable and wire directionality? Cables can be built in such a way that they can be directional. The classic from of this is of course an interconnect with XLR terminations. It can on... | |
What's your OTL tube amp experience and suggestion? Yes- apparently we're on the same page here, if you'll pardon the expression :) | |
What's your OTL tube amp experience and suggestion? @mikelavigne , I remember when that happened, but even back then the story I heard was they were only doing the transistor amp. In all that time, I've yet to hear about a Tenor OTL that was made after the 1st company went under. I suspect what you... | |
Fuses fuses fuses Not to make too fine a point of it, but has anyone here noticed that I have confirmed by measurement that if you place the fuse in backwards that you may indeed hear a difference?Those that say otherwise raise their hands:Take another look at my p... |