Responses from atmasphere
Is powerfull Amps only for low sensitivity speakes? May I ask your comments also for the difference between single ended triode amps and push pull tube amps in terms of 2nd and 3rd harmonics capabilities.Its not as simple as that might sound! SETs tend to make more of the 2nd harmonic than any ot... | |
Tube preamp for Pass Labs XA-30.5 We have a good number of customers with Pass Labs amps, so I can say with confidence that if you go that route it will work fine. The MP-3 has no worries at all driving input impedances much lower.I think the big differences you are likely to hear... | |
Rectifier Hum If I recall correctly, the tube rectifier in your amp is bypassed with a solid state device as well. This is making me wonder if its snubbed properly. If not, it could certainly contribute to hum. Tube rectifiers on their own don't need to be snub... | |
Class D is just Dandy! George, its more complex than that.The reason Technics is switching so fast is to reduce distortion. The filter has little to do with it. At their speeds, the inductance of the speaker is sufficient. So their filters are mainly concerned with pr... | |
ATMA SPHERE SCHEMATIC for a UV-1 M/M....... Will, did the description of the circuit I gave you on the phone not work for you? | |
Is there a user solution? Sounds like the balance control is dirty as well as the input selector switch. | |
Grado Statement cartridges - load at 47km or lower The Statement has a low inductance not unlike a low output moving coil.As a result the same rules apply:If your phono section is unstable you may prefer lower loading settings such as 100 or 500 ohms. But an ideal situation would be 47K; this will... | |
Is it possible to have a quiet vinyl records So if my phono preamp (Ifi Iphone 2) is not stable enough, why some records play very clean. Should all play with noise in that case. Some surfaces are actually better than others. So you may well encounter LPs that are silent even on an unstable... | |
New Technics SL1200G turntable The SL1200G has got to have a lot of high end turntable manufactures worried. Its a direct drive that works and is one of the most speed stable machines made. It has an excellent plinth and chassis, and 5 different damping systems are employed. It... | |
Pick A Tube Phono Preamp, but not just any Tube Phono Preamp Ah. Right, then :) | |
This is for Georgehifi especially but others can chime in. And try the veal. | |
Falling out of love with tubes Boy, the Eico was kind of a budget amp even when it was new- ceramic caps for coupling caps, cheap parts throughout... that would be a good amp to fall out of love with, and I would not abandon tubes on its account!Tube technology has improved sin... | |
Technics SL1100A Repair/Restoration The number one reason for this problem on the SL1100 is dirty speed controls. A shot of Deoxit (from the inside) and working the controls back and forth may be all it needs. Its been many years since I had my SL1100 but it may also have internal c... | |
Upcoming Technics SP-10R (100th Anniversary Model) Apparently the only difference between the new SL1200G arm and the SP-10R is the length and resulting changes in geometry. | |
Is it possible to have a quiet vinyl records I don't use anti-static devices, nor do I clean my LPs with anything other than a carbon fiber dust brush.But I am very used to no ticks and pops even with older LPs, as long as the LP surface looks OK. The trick is a stable phono preamp. Phono pl... |