

Responses from atmasphere

For tube sound, which is more important: preamp or power amp?
Is it possible that one of the reasons that Valve amps sound so good is that they tend to use much lower amounts of feedback that most transistor amps? I have noticed that the sound seems to open out as I select lower amounts of feedback.You can... 
Speaker Suggestions for 300b SET Amp
Having researched this issue myself now for quite a while, if I were running a SET and looking for good sounding HE speakers to match on a budget, that can play ANY kind of music well, Klipsch Heresy III, hands down, easy decision. These were o... 
Low-heat-output amp for Devore O/96
How about a timer on your AC outlet? Or a circuit that senses that when there is no signal for a while, it shuts off?I used to live in Asheville and it got pretty humid in the summer. It does that here in Minnesota too. So far, I've not had to res... 
Oomph or pressure?
And yet there are guys out there who don’t care for the result. “It sucks the life out of the music”, is a commonly heard refrain (really - I’m being serious here!). Maybe they are reacting psychologically to the need to turn the volume control ... 
Low-heat-output amp for Devore O/96
Rather than sacrifice your sound on account of heat (which both solid state and tube amps make), how about install a vent in the ceiling so you can vent hotter air out of the house? Its inexpensive (maybe $300) and is a lot cheaper than getting an... 
Oomph or pressure?
is that normal for a passive?It is a common complaint.Passive systems, which include transformer volume controls, are a bit too simple to do their job perfectly. That is why you see so many threads about this topic.If all the parameters surroundin... 
Speaker Suggestions for 300b SET Amp
If 7 watts won’t do it, you’ll need a lot more power due to the logarithmic characteristic of the human ear. The hotter tweeters were the result of simply pushing the amps too hard.  
Solid State Amps for Quad ESL 57?
We've had a number of customers running stacked Quad 57s. They used our M-60 amplifiers, and the Quads were wired in series. David Magnan of Magnan Cable fame ran this combo for years prior to his retirement.  
Getting into tubes
If I am going for  tube sound I want to do just that which means tube rectified and not s/s rectified which is what many manufacturers do.  Decware uses tube rectification and I have held on to my Taboo EL84 based tube amp.   From what I recall... 
Low level buzzing coming from tweeters.
@ncarvIf a tube is doing this, it won’t be one of the output tubes. They can make cracking and popping sounds but a low level buzz is unlikely.  
ARC Ref 75SEs - great with Wilson or Dynaudio speakers. What about Vandersteen 2CI?
The 2CI is very tube friendly so I think its totally worth a shot.  
Autobiasing tube amp failure
Consider yourself lucky as a few times they blew out my Tweeters.A tube failure won't blow out a tweeter! Tweeters fail because the amp being used is underpowered and is making too much distortion when driven too hard. My question is how can this ... 
New Technics SL1200G turntable
We've been using a mat made by Oracle that works pretty well. 
Small room electrostat/ planar speaker?
All planar speakers-certainly all magnepans-have crossovers; this is a main reason I prefer single driver or other non-conventional crossover designs, e.g. 1st order crossovers or "super tweeters" crossed over way up high with a simple filter (... 
Getting into tubes
Are you referring to the S-30 amp? The only issue may be how much heat it produces. I see it draws 400 watts and assuming much of that gets disappated. My room is small and heats up quickly, plus I live in Southern California where it really do...