Responses from atmasphere
Mellow speakers for a digital piano Seriously, try out a reverb. Its highly likely that is part of the sound you are after. | |
Where do I start-amp or speakers ? You'll tie your hands behind your back if you buy the amp first. Well, if you get a big Sound Lab, there really aren't a lot of amps that drive that speaker all that well. But it is at the same time one of the most transparent and full range speak... | |
20 Year Old Amplifiers compared to 2017 Lets not forget the Carver challenge to Stereophile Magazine (J Gordon Holt) that he could make a $700.00 amplifier (specifically his model 1.0) sound indistinguishable from any high end amp of their choice and he succeeded in doing so.Well...... | |
Low level buzzing coming from tweeters. The amps are old VTL Deluxe 500's and, though the caps were replaced, there is some transformer hum. I'm wondering if it has just gotten worse over time and is transmitting to the speakers.Probably not. But depending on how the tubes are lit, if... | |
Technics 1200 GAE, 1200GR or 1200G? IME the platter pad is a problem with the SL1200G, just a rubber mat.That affects the sound; if you really want to know how it does, use the same mat when doing comparisons! | |
Mellow speakers for a digital piano If this is just for home use, I would start with a tube amp of about 30 watts, like a Dynaco ST-70 or the like, and find a set of speakers that are easy to drive so that 30 watts means something. My JBL JRX215 speakers that I use for my keyboard r... | |
Harmon Kardon HK430 Its unlikely that this is an easy thing to fix at home. But any competent technician should be able to sort it out.There is a lot of variance in demultiplexer designs (this is the circuit that decades the FM stereo signal from the mono) and some o... | |
Getting into tubes The Merlins are designed for tubes FWIW. Bobby showed with Joule Electra when he did audio shows- we showed with Merlins as well.The TSM works well with our smallest amp which is a 30 watt OTL. So it is an easy speaker to drive. | |
Where do I start-amp or speakers ? If you start with the amp, you may have to work with speakers you don't like.A quick look at the industry shows that there are at any time at least ten times as many manufacturers of speakers as there are amps, so its likely that the above stateme... | |
Speaker Suggestions for 300b SET Amp The fatal weakness of so called circutron otl push pull power amp design is that the power grounding have to go through both legs‘ cathodes, thus power path mingle with the signal path, introducing distortion and noises.Furthermore, after some ... | |
Audio Research Ref 3 VS Mark Levinson 38s The REF 3 with new tubes is very hard to beat and for the money, impossible to beat.It is quite good, but I've heard better for less. I prefer the ARC over the 38S as well. | |
Looking for the best moving coil cart that is around $5K used The ability of the arm to track the cartridge correctly is far more important than what cartridge! So the answer to your question will be the cartridge that works best in your arm. The thing that would worry me about an inexpensive arm is the bear... | |
Mellow speakers for a digital piano A lot depends on what you are planning. If you are playing only at home, stereo speakers are fine. If you plan to play in a band or on stage, pro audio speakers and amp(s) are required as you will be playing considerably louder (and likely less co... | |
Harmon Kardon HK430 Since the meter moves, this means the voltage regulator for the FM is OK, as well as the front end and IF section. Does the stereo indicator light up? | |
Where do I start-amp or speakers ? The first thing you have to sort out is what kind of amp you like- generally, tube or solid state.From there you make you speaker choice- not the other way around! Many speakers don't play nice with tubes and some speakers don't do so well with so... |