

Responses from atmasphere

SL1200GAE New Tonearm
Ralph, So sorry that I volunteered you for TP questions. That was unfair of me. (I think maybe that was why you wrote, "sheesh".)No, it wasn't, and no worries.would like not to drill into the plinth though. The arm I got is from John I think yo... 
SL1200GAE New Tonearm
Sheesh.OK, we've done several SL1200G (or GAE) machines so far. Both the Triplanar 12" and the 9.5" arms can be mounted. I recommend replacement of the platter pad as well. We fabricate a special armboard; the concern is that the rigidity of the p... 
Solid core power cords under 300$ - List of manufacturers ?
Solid core AC power cords can't be UL approved as they can be dangerous for a number of reasons.  
Help! My Magnepan tonearm finally needs to be rewired!
An employee of mine worked at Magnaplanar. According to him, there is a burr in the arm tube where the wires have to make an angle to go through the bearing area. Sooner or later the burr damages the wire- in short (no pun intended) they all do so... 
When the Power Tubes Run Out
We design our equipment to only use tubes that are in production. That makes life a lot easier :)Additionally, as long as guitar amp manufacturers are using tubes, there will be a supply as they use far more tubes than home consumer audio! So 12AX... 
Technics 1200 Critic Fremer Praises the newer 1200G
It's hard to imagine than 1200G is better than SP-10mkIII, maybe SP-10R is better or equal, but the 1200G is not Technics reference turntable in the production line, while the SP-10mkIII was the reference for such a long time.  In practice the ... 
How much do I need to spend to get a preamp that sounds better than no preamp?
Maximum Gain 10 dBFreq. Response +0, -1 dB @ 10 Hz and 100 kHzDistortion < .1 % THDHm. We can do that with 1Hz to 400Khz, distortion at 0.01%. And that's with no feedback. And all tube, balanced. 
Why Isnt Techincs 1200 Considered Audiophile?
The SL1200G is a pretty audiophile turntable.Although it looks like the older version, its a complete from-the-ground-up new design.We've mounted both the regular and 12" Triplanar tonearms on the new SL1200s with excellent results.This is one of ... 
Can a power cord increase the resolution of an Class D (SMPS) amp by more than 5% ?
Audioquest or no, its quite impossible for a wire in an AC power cord to express any directionality. To do so would be taking on characteristics of a diode as George (+1), kosst (+1) and Al (+1) have all pointed out. What *is* possible  is that th... 
Can a power cord increase the resolution of an Class D (SMPS) amp by more than 5% ?
Is there some kind of parameter or specification that indicates power cable bandwidth?I've never seen one... it would be a good spec to include.Looking at @dep14 's calculator, it looks like for a typical home-use power cord (16/3 cable at 6' in... 
How much do I need to spend to get a preamp that sounds better than no preamp?
An interesting circuit- the output of the follower drives the top of the control; its output (running wide open gain) is thus mixed with the incoming signal. While Nelson's comments are essentially true, they are not the whole story by any means. ... 
Can a power cord increase the resolution of an Class D (SMPS) amp by more than 5% ?
I’m having trouble seeing how a power cord could make a difference.  After all, the stock cable should be capable of delivering the full mains power available to the amp, and the power supply on the amp is going to clean up any minor amount of ... 
Tube pre-amps: balanced a big deal?
what is the AES standard, again? Which signal on which pins, etc? Thanks---Eric.Pin 1 is ground, pin 2 non-inverted signal, pin 3 inverted (in Europe, pins 2 and 3 are reversed)Ground is ignored (no signal current) for output **and** input; signa... 
Why are my woofers pumping?
The interesting thing is: it happens at certain intervals per revolution of the record (playing silent grooves between tracks). If I turn up speed to 45, the pattern is repeated, only faster. This seems to indicate that player rumble or drive prob... 
Tube pre-amps: balanced a big deal?
Balanced is great for long, long runs, otherwise for typical in home usage you wont notice anything else besides the free 6db gain. This statement is problematic. Many balanced systems don't give you any extra gain. The real reason that balanced ...