Responses from atmasphere
Does anyone care to ask an amplifier designer a technical question? My door is open. Would a "normal" power cord supplied with a piece of gear have enough excess power passing capacity so that any drop in voltage due to the cord, is from one satisfactory voltage to a lesser, yet still satisfactory voltage to power the unit? Or... | |
The Future of Audio Amplification Electrolytic caps aren't famous for having exceptionally low ESR, but they're the only technology that's compact enough to provide the current capacity required. The sub-optimal ESR leads to internal heating of the capacitor. The heat dries the... | |
Does anyone care to ask an amplifier designer a technical question? My door is open. Ralph, couldn't he use a Jensen transformer to make he XLR to RCA change? Would it still offer the proper grounding?Yes.Okay, does atmasphere believe that power cables can make huge differences in an amplifier’s sonic performance and why?I don't u... | |
Does anyone care to ask an amplifier designer a technical question? My door is open. I swap between amps with some that only have single-ended inputs and others with only balanced inputs and others with both. My preamp has outputs for both. I recently acquired a very nice 4m balanced IC. For the cases when I want to use the ... | |
Monostrapped Atma-sphere M-60 The M-60s or any of our amps are easily monostrapped. Many years ago the idea of making only one amplifier and you just got more if you needed more power did occur to us. But the market seemed a lot happier with different models. You need a 'Y' ad... | |
Mixing balanced and unbalanced inputs/outputs on Ayre preamp - amateur question! Since the Ayre has both connections its no worries.Some tips:The Ayre converts all single-ended sources to balanced due to its differential operation. So no worries on the input side.All phono cartridges are balanced sources FWIW; the tone arm con... | |
Joule-Electra VZN OTL Users- I Need advice! He continues to offer that service, and with all due respect to Ralph, probably knows a much about the products as anyone currently active.FWIW Rich and I work together to support the legacy JA products. When you are going to leave for more than ... | |
Does anyone care to ask an amplifier designer a technical question? My door is open. I've found over the years that its not wise to make too many assumptions. If you have a Digital Voltmeter, check the continuity between the woofer and HF sections (with nothing connected to it) and see if they really are completely isolated. | |
Does anyone care to ask an amplifier designer a technical question? My door is open. No damage, and from what I can surmise, due to luck- one of your connections was apparently loose, otherwise neither speaker would have played. Essentially on the non-playing side, it sounds like the output of the amp was shorted. Fortunately you ... | |
Head impedance Technics 1500 All solid state reel to reel machines have low impedance heads. In this case the head was made specifically for this machine, so sorting out what the actual impedance is will likely have to be done by measurement.However an SUT will do the job; bu... | |
Does anyone care to ask an amplifier designer a technical question? My door is open. Ralph, what is OTOH mean? Im a newbee.The cords with diodes make a difference when needed. I think I have been clear and consistant here. OTOH: On The Other Hand; other slang acronyms you may find handy:IMO: In My OpinionIME: In My ExperienceIIRC:... | |
The Future of Audio Amplification Class D, as soon as your warranty runs out have fun getting somebody to fix it if & when it goes down, with all the surface mount components in new digital amps most techs won't touch them including me, (not wanting to use a magnifying glas... | |
Does anyone care to ask an amplifier designer a technical question? My door is open. As for the reference to light gauge cords not bringing home the bacon, what gauges are we talking about?18ga for sure- not suitable for larger current draws. The wire gets warm along its entire length with a big enough amp- that suggests its limit... | |
The Future of Audio Amplification But no matter what, transistors switching off and on will always make huge amounts of high order distortion.@kosst_amojanIt doesn't work that way IME. What makes distortion in a class D is how well the encoding scheme works. For example if PWM, an... | |
Does anyone care to ask an amplifier designer a technical question? My door is open. JA measured a low 84dB sensitivity but with a higher/smoother impedance he deemed them "a very easy load for the partnering amplifier to drive."@profTube amplifier power has traditionally been expensive. Inefficient loudspeakers as mentioned abov... |