Responses from atmasphere
What Class D amps will drive a 2 ohm load George’s arguments are irrational.To which George replied:So you my friend are the irrational one not me.George's argument was both incorrect and irrational. This is different from saying that a person is irrational- the principle to use of cours... | |
Advice on SUT for Koetsu Rosewood - EAR MC-4, Slagle/EMIA, other Ralph, I will ask Dave Slagle what he thinks about my setup and loading. The original sound tradition Hashimoto hm-7 I tried had an even higher winding ratio such as 1:30 I think. It sounded pretty amazing with 29dB gain. But it was a little to... | |
Would switching amps make a big difference? @mijostyn Don't include the parentheses at the end of the link. A resistor will simply absorb power. The ZEROs transform the impedance so you get more power and less FR error.@viber6 This statement is incorrect:Actually, I think that although the... | |
Tube Amps With Good Bass Qualities @jwlaff Here are some things to look for to get good bass out of a tube amp:1) if the amp has output transformers, look for low frequency bandwidth to 5Hz or less. OTLs can go down lower; what's important here is to have no phase shift at 20Hz and... | |
Advice on SUT for Koetsu Rosewood - EAR MC-4, Slagle/EMIA, other Ralph, you would think the transformers would be designed for a 47K load which is pretty standard for MM phono stages. If not 47K how would you figure out what it was? Just a meter? Also why the capacitor. Wouldn't just a resistor do? I know yo... | |
ESL57 vs ESL63 Can’t give you a comparison but the 57s needed a fair bit of SS power. I don’t think my Naim amps ever worked so hard before the Quads arrived.After reading nothing but praise for them I went to a lot of trouble to get a pair but they didn’t st... | |
Voltage Modification on Japanese units Go ahead with older equipment made more than 10 years ago.Back then, maybe where prices were similar between units worldwide, it has always been easier for manufacturers of some higher priced equipment to use transformers with a primary 115-0-1... | |
What Class D amps will drive a 2 ohm load Look at complimentary BJT’s with massive power supplies that I’ve been suggesting for these loads, then look at your Class-D Mosfets usually not complementary as the P channel stinks, then the 8th grade maths don’t mean ****..This statement is fal... | |
What Class D amps will drive a 2 ohm load Yes you use this old chestnut everytime as it suits you to bring it out every time your OTL’s are brought into question doing the same thing. This statement is false. Our OTLs don't double power and in fact are not intended to act as a voltage so... | |
Would switching amps make a big difference? Any thoughts on which tube amps work best with Martin Logan speakers?The problem you are up against is that Martin Logan is trying to make an ESL (which is normally a pretty good combination with tubes) to work with solid state amps. The issue is ... | |
Advice on SUT for Koetsu Rosewood - EAR MC-4, Slagle/EMIA, other Thank you Atmasphere! the Berning preamp has loading plugs for the moving coil section but if I understand what you're saying correctly those are for the INPUT side whereas you think the Jensen transformers themselves may need loading on the ... | |
Would switching amps make a big difference? I've heard our amps in several customer's homes using our amps. But all of them were also using the ZEROs. No problem playing the highs at all. | |
Would switching amps make a big difference? A. If Martin Logan speakers is 4ohms, .8 ohms at 20kHZ - ideal amps would have what output impedance?B. Tube amps you might suggest?There is a device meant for this sort of thing called the ZERO ( Essentially it allows the a... | |
What Class D amps will drive a 2 ohm load This statement is false. The ability to double power as load impedance is halved has nothing to do with how well the amp will play bass Of course it does when it demands current into low impedance to do it, get over it.! George, the quote above... | |
Impact of phase inversion by preamp George Louis the Polarity Pundit debunked himself in our room at CES about 10 years ago. He walked in, claimed our system was out of phase, so I said OK- here its in phase then and clicked the switch. Then he claimed you couldn't hear it on LP, so... |