

Responses from atmasphere

A 300B single end triode and Tannoy Devons
To use an SET effectively, you need to not run it above about 20-25% of full power- this will keep distortion down that will otherwise cause the amp to sound 'dynamic' due to how the distortion interacts with the human ear. To do this in most room... 
Speaker hiss from power amp
Interesting since I thought the point of using balanced interconnects was to reduce noise.  Reducing artifact from the cables and reduction of ground loops are why.I suspect George is right; that this amp uses an additional circuit for the balance... 
Cartridge Opinions - Sorry
Hm, a turntable manufacturer thinks the arm is more important, a cartridge manufacturer think the cartridge is more important. Never mind that in the latter's explanation, he lists a number of reasons the arm is a lot more important than he sugges... 
Need highly transparent detailed amp---how does Pass XA25 compare to Gamut D100/D200 MKIII
@lcherepkai  45 watts is a lot of power for an SET! Its very difficult to get good bandwidth in an SET with that sort of power, but its pretty easy with a more conventional Push-pull amplifier, and the power tubes are often much less expensive! Ou... 
How deadly is transformer hummm...
Would 248F handle the temperatures within the ampNo worries.Oh, I will include this marvelous detail about the amp's design: "The transformers are made with grain orientated steel and impregnated with a special anti vibration varnish. Also the c... 
Need highly transparent detailed amp---how does Pass XA25 compare to Gamut D100/D200 MKIII
Giving up on the SET amps. I don't want to replace another expensive tube and the heat from 805 tubes is a warm weather deal breaker. Considering the Pass XA25 @lcherepkai  That's a big leap. The heat of tube amplifiers comes mostly from the c... 
Soundstage, layering and tube differences
Do some tubes resolve the actual recorded room acoustics better or is it a matter of harmonic distortion giving the illusion of soundstaging and 3 dimensionality??Yes. They are lower distortion, sometimes due to geometry being a bit lower distor... 
How deadly is transformer hummm...
@mrdecibel  We had some very large EI core transformers on our MA-2 amplifier. One of them made a bit of humming. That was fixed by isomeric mounting; after that it was dead silent. The trick is not allowing the transformer or its mounting hardwar... 
Cartridge Opinions - Sorry
Linn seems to think that the cartridge manufacturer should have exacting manufacturing tolerances to make azimuth errors irrelevant.They are 100% correct. Too bad actual cartridges don't hold up to this ideal.  
How deadly is transformer hummm...
@listening99  It would be a good idea to check in with Mr. Had and see if he has any comments. From the outside the amp looks conventional construction. Remove all the tubes before you turn the amp over to prevent damage. Keep in mind though that ... 
Honest question about cartridge vs. turntable performance.
Atma-Sphere, I have this nagging itch that tells me it is the "less money"part that is most significant here.@mijostyn  That might be due to Veblen Effect- the same reason that people preferred Campagnolo derailleurs back in the 1970s even though ... 
What are the signs of caps going in an Amp?
If a filter capacitor were failing in the power supply, its most likely sign would be a hum that shows up, possibly going away if you cycle it off and on, but returning again in due time. This does not sound like a power supply filter cap failing.... 
How deadly is transformer hummm...
@jea48 A rectifier tube will not cause a power transformer to rattle (humm). @mrdecibel  If you look at the way this transformer is mounted, using isomerics to secure it is unlikely! Its mounted through a cutout that barely accommodates the transf... 
How deadly is transformer hummm...
I see the four screws from the top, so they are accessible from above the amp. Why remove the bottom panel?If the screws are loose, the nuts on the bottom might spin when you try to tighten them up.  
Phase inverting preamps
Gentlemen- 50% of all recordings are inverted polarity. If you have more than 2 or 3 mics in the recording, you won't be able to detect polarity inversion. Now we've had a polarity inversion switch on our preamps since their inception in 1989, but...