Responses from atmasphere
Tube Amplifier with Good Imaging and Soundstage for Tyler Acoustics The most popular speaker used with the M-60 amplifier for many years was the Merlin VSM. It too was 8ohms, dipping to 6 with a rated sensitivity of 89dB. So the total power is really the issue- is 60 watts enough in your room? | |
For anyone who moved from tubes to solid state — a question What did I give up? Distortion. Distortion is what causes solid state amps to be bright and harsh. | |
Looking for a phono preamp that has volume control Could this Variable output level control for source matching be used as a volume control? On is it just a gain pot only?@tyray It looks like that has been eliminated in the current version, but if I missed it, it would make for a very inconvenien... | |
All NEW Technics SU-R1000 Reference Integrated AMP //ALL NEW TECHNOLOGIES NOBODY ELSE HAS! Regardless of what they are saying in the video, its really obvious that the amplifier portion is class D despite the remonstrations of the people talking who (I'm guessing) really don't know the difference. | |
What's going on with Synergistic Research fuses? You’ve been told, many times, that the way a fuse holder is shaped doesn’t change over time unless you use a hammer to remove and insert a fuse.The problem is many fuseholders are not exact, but fuses themselves even less so. I've seen many wher... | |
Looking for tonearm inspiration The DR3_VHC is a stereo pure class A non-feedback design with only 25 watts output power and a headroom of 6db.That's pretty funny- if it is really class A, then the headroom is 0dB. So either its got 6dB headroom or its class A, but it can't be ... | |
Looking for tonearm inspiration Well, if Raul is right in what he says, than solid state amps can't honor MUSIC no matter what. Period. Also. Certainly of topic, but the problem here is output impedance and loop feedback used to reduce distortion. With tube amps, you can't add e... | |
Tube Amplifier with Good Imaging and Soundstage for Tyler Acoustics Did you mean the MM5X? You might be able to find a set of used Atma-Sphere M-60 amplifiers in that price range. | |
Tubes? I am elated you have found a truely pistonic set of drivers from 20-33k. Another lap around the least it is with somebody i deeply respectperhaps it’s definitional, but i think of breakup as signal going one way, cone or parts of co... | |
Looking for a phono preamp that has volume control Looking for a phono preamp that has volume control. I've gone digital and sold my preamp. I don't want to convert the analog to digital and play it thru my DAC. And I miss my records. So I'm looking suggestions, preferably tube phono preamp wit... | |
What's going on with Synergistic Research fuses? But even this Ralph is null and void also, when the equipment has regulated supplies, as many "directional fusers" claim differences in fuse direction on their preamps and source equipment with regulated supplies. As for them blowing for no rea... | |
AnyFM tuner mechanics out there? I took a look at the wheel, and there are 2 springs. 1 is extended and the 2nd, not so much. @tablejockey This is a pretty common setup. I suspect as you work it back and forth, the spring tension will equalize and it should be fine. | |
What tube pre-amps pair well with Pass amps? May I respectfully ask for the names of some pre-amps that meet AES48? Well ours do of course. Also Backert Labs, if you get the version with an output transformer to do the balanced output. Most preamps that use an output transformer in that man... | |
Power Conditioners @puffball08 Nice! Sola has managed a nice improvement on where they were with this 20 years ago! 3% THD seems to be the number; A good power conditioner should be able to do about 0.5% THD (Elgar was getting this with their conditioners 35-40 year... | |
What's going on with Synergistic Research fuses? a completely new multi-stage high voltage treatment process for the lowest noise floorNoise floor in a fuse? That is probably the thing that has to be explained. We've seen some fuses that have a Teflon or similar sleeve around the fuse element, p... |