

Responses from atmasphere

Is D for Dry? Class D...
I think there is significance in Alberto of AGD being Italian. He surely has special sensibilities regarding a highly attuned musicality.From what I've seen, its more about how little distortion the amp makes.  
Class D amps that are superior to all or most?
@coltrane1 I've explained earlier on this thread why class D has opportunity to do better than class A- and that has to do with how feedback is applied. My comments on this are near the bottom of the first page of this thread. Keep in mind my comp... 
Is D for Dry? Class D...
You can’t cheap out on your amplifier. You just can’t do it. Class D is an audio company attempting to sell product that’s nearly all profit. Class A. Now that’s an amplifier. If it doesn’t heat you out of your room it’s not worth your time. Al... 
SOTA NOVA, HR-X VPI, Technics 1200G recommendations?
In my opinion, people who always blabling something about “vibration” are living in the earthquake area, probably right on top of the vulcano or very close, ***becase I really don’t understand what they are talking about***!? Using over 6 turnt... 
recommended power tube amplifier for vivid kaya 45 speakers
I loved their sound and the TAD micro revolution sound, but probably i will go for the vivid. I'm confused !Which amp do you recommend for those speakers ?If you like the speakers you'll need a solid state amp. Some of the more musical I've heard ... 
Transcendent T16 OTL amp - bias question (& general tips)
The number is 816-333-7358   At the very least he should have a setup guide. 
Solid state amplifiers and sound stage, especially front to back "depth"
@niodari FWIW we've been working on a class D amp of our own design for the last 4 years. It **should** not matter to reproduce depth if the amp is tube or solid state. But the simple fact is most solid state designs have troubles in this regard- ... 
recommended power tube amplifier for vivid kaya 45 speakers
@haimra The Vivid Kaya 45 appears to be a poor match for tube amplifiers. Its impedance is a low 2.8 ohms at about 130Hz; from the Stereophile measurements its clear that this speaker is designed for an amplifier that can behave as a voltage sourc... 
Solid state amplifiers and sound stage, especially front to back "depth"
I trust your perception - are you a musician or a sound engineer? I play in a band and have been playing since I was about 4 years old. I also run a recording studio that has LP mastering capacity. But I make my living as a designer for a high end... 
How to ground old turntable with no grounding wire
Anyone has any insights or ideas as to what the issue may be?Yes. Your turntable has a preamp built in. When powered off, any preamp can exhibit a buzz. Get rid of the wire, which is causing noise to be picked up, and turn the speakers off when no... 
Nakamichi RX-505 and some nice tapes for it
Is it safe to switch the Power on after 20 years, without risking caps and chips? Is using a Variac sufficient protection? Any other advice?Not really. The chips would be OK but capacitors don't like being stored without a charge- they are a bit ... 
Beginner looking for guidance into tube sound.
Tube sound is a myth save your money for better speakers.https://audiosciencereview.com/forum/index.php?threads/if-tube-sound-is-a-myth-why-tubes.8656/Tube sound is not a myth. However, it is about the distortion that is made, vs the distortion ma... 
Torture test for a TT rig!
Nice that increasing the tracking pressure solved it :)This is entire off topic, but that cartridge is pretty low compliance, suggesting that its designed for a high mass arm. Perhaps the Fidelity Research? Its nice that the Triplanar will work wi... 
Torture test for a TT rig!
Well, last time I checked, the VTA was 2.1g. The recommended is 2.3. Just checked it now, it was down to 1.9!Set it right the 2.3 and the full vocal is almost all better.@mglik  If I'm reading this right, it appears that you might have 'VTA' con... 
Beginner looking for guidance into tube sound.
@johnfritter  If you get a tube amp use the 4 ohm taps for you connection to the speakers. Your speakers are not particularly tube-friendly due to the low impedances in the bass region (3.1 ohms). If you like what you hear, consider a speaker that...