Responses from atmasphere
Ortofon Cadenza Black loading I really like my Icon phono stage. It is fixed at 100 ohms MC.The industry standard for all cartridges is 47KOhms just so you know. | |
Tube Amplifier Sound Characteristics at least to my ears, lately it seems more and more tube power amps tend to sound similar to Ss amps. That's because you're listening to tube amps that have feedback and probably PP outputs combined with single-ended input circuits. That tends to... | |
Tube Amplifier Sound Characteristics But as we all know sometimes when we insert different equipment into our systems, the sound changes. I have to admit I don't know what "true neutral" is. How would I know?@jimbones The only way I know isn't easy. Get some great microphones and r... | |
SET the best? AREN‘t you tooting your horn just a little too much? OTLs are great but only address a very small portion of speakers with high efficiency and high impedance. That may or may not be everybody‘s fare and your implied claim of superiority seems t... | |
GaN Amp & Speaker Popping Sound At Power On ^^ +1 Wut I said, way at the top of this thread. | |
How important is the pre-amp? I firmly believe that for 99% of applications, a true, discrete, stepped attenuator using a minimal number of resistors, great contacts, and good (not awesome) resistors is pretty darn transparent. It is.The thing that is keeping the preamp as a... | |
Tube Amplifier Sound Characteristics I wish there were a scatter diagram one could put together of tube amp sound qualities. @jimbones The last thing the industry wants is for the buyer to know what the amps sound like :) They spend a lot of time trying to tell you that they don't... | |
Tube question: any sonic difference in 6SN7 vs 6H30 vs 6H80 in the amp's signal position? I lived there for 35 years, and never saw those in the commercially available devices.Yes. It was made exclusively for the military. | |
How important is the pre-amp? I disagree that the preamp’s sonic performance is always tightly correlated with the price. Funny- I was just commenting about this on another forum. I agree the price doesn't have much to do with performance. Those that price to a formula will be... | |
How important is the pre-amp? Transformers on the other hand, where resistors have problems transformers have benefits. There is a reason after all why we use them all over the place for isolation and power conditioning. You solve one problem; you introduce others. Then it... | |
Tube question: any sonic difference in 6SN7 vs 6H30 vs 6H80 in the amp's signal position? BTW, Soviets made billions of them.:) a bit of hyperbole, I'm sure. | |
SET the best? Especially when we have solid COLBALT out put trans in the mix, These powerful trans, are not cheap, I should add.:) or you could dispense with the output transformer altogether. My speakers are 97.5dB, 16 ohms and flat to 20Hz. I've yet to hear... | |
How important is the pre-amp? Do you believe it’s a point of tremendous debate that certain preamps color system sound? If so, that point of view would be surprising. One has only to look at twenty years of Audiogon preamp discussions to reach the conclusion that among many it... | |
How important is the pre-amp? Some folks like coloration certain preamps provide.This is of course a point of tremendous debate. I prefer the lack of coloration afforded when the interconnect cables cease to alter the sound of the system. You can't do that with a passive setup... | |
How important is the pre-amp? I get how power amps can make really significant changes to the sound of a system. And of course speakers have an even bigger effect. And then there is the complicated relationship between the speaker and power amp. But I wonder about pre-amps.... |