

Responses from atmasphere

45 Type Push/Pull
there is something about pp that is overlooked: the output and interstage  transformers fall in and out of magnetisation at every zero-crossing of the signal (at every polarity change). This is only correct if the amplifier is biased class B. ... 
Cartridge Loading for a phono pre amp
50K ohms, all inputs. (Magnetic phono may have any value from 10 ohms to 100K ohms substituted. Also has provision to add input capacitance for matching certain magnetic cartridges.) The preamp has a 49.9K resistor to ground, but has other elem... 
Cartridge Loading for a phono pre amp
Why ARC featured such function in their reference phono stage that serve no purpose? So they can charge more?🤔 We have a loading strip on our preamps too, and I advise customers with LOMC cartridges to not use it. But if you have a higher outpu... 
Best RtoR tape for a Revox A77
Essentially, what you are saying is a flat FR is the ultimate goal when adjusting bias and EQ. If FR is flat, don't mess with anything?  If in playback, Yes. If in record, also yes, but there are two approaches to setting record head bias that... 
Revox A77 mk2
This for sintered bearing, assume the ball bearing uses same, although states, "All bearings lubricated for life and normally require no service." That's true unless the machine sits for 20-30 years unused.  
Cartridge Loading for a phono pre amp
@rauliruegas To be clear, at no point have I stated that loading affects the frequency response of a LOMC cartridge. Your statements to the contrary are false. Please cease and desist. When you engage in such statements and then debunk them, you a... 
Cartridge Loading for a phono pre amp
My question is how significant that affect the cantilever to be stiffer and introducing possible tracking issues, OR its effect is negligible? Your target for mechanical resonance is between 7-12Hz. The mechanical resonance is a product of the ... 
Revox A77 mk2
@cwz have you tried rebuilding them? I've had a number of Ampex, Revox, Magnacord and other machines with noisy bearings but I've never had to replace one of them; I simply made sure they were properly lubricated.  
Best RtoR tape for a Revox A77
@cleeds is correct. Your Revox can work with any tape; it simply has to be calibrated to work with a particular tape in record mode.  
BAT Preamp Output Design Changes - Why?
Any idea on why this flip-flop in preamp design? Afterall, neither transformers nor capacitors are new technologies – why such a major change in design approach? @captc2 By using coupling capacitors, the preamp, although balanced, was unable to... 
Cartridge Loading for a phono pre amp
J.Carr ( Lyra cartridge designer and phono stage Connoissour. ) said/posted:   " Phono cartridges are floating sources rather than balanced..." If JCarr really said this, then he isn't aware of how balanced operation works. A dynamic micropho... 
Cartridge Loading for a phono pre amp
Latter on appeared the active high gain phono stages to drive LOMC in exclusive way with no facilities to handle MM/MI cartridges, even those LOMC phono stages cames ( even some today ) with impedance load different values choices coming from 100... 
Thermal Distortion your loudspeaker most likely suffers from it. But do you care?
Back when tubes were king, high efficiency speakers were very common because tube power was (and continues to be) expensive. When solid state amps were commonplace, speaker efficiency started to go down. The problem here is that it never helps t... 
Cartridge Loading for a phono pre amp
@rauliruegas  Apparently you've yet to sort out that I've never stated that loading affects frequency response of LOMC cartridges. Please cease and desist from claiming otherwise. 47K is the standard loading value for all cartridges, which is why... 
Cartridge Loading for a phono pre amp
In this context, is there any relationship between cartridge bandwidth and cantilever stiffness? The stiffness is a function of the load impedance. Obviously it will be more supple if loaded at 47KOhms as opposed to 100Ohms! This says nothing ...