

Responses from asvjerry

Who thinks $5K speaker cable really better than generic 14AWG cable?
Dave....proving that vampires are Really Hard to Kill...*LOL*But I really like the 'coat hanger' idea...but only if they're solid copper, like buss bars, tinned from end to end, wrapped in the flesh of some environmentally 'non-sensitive' creature... 
Who thinks $5K speaker cable really better than generic 14AWG cable?
*Yawn*  Hasn't this topic been 'discussed' to death yet?Here's the stake and the hammer.  Put this vampire down once and for all.Y'know, just for grins and the 'ell of it....I'd like to see a truly 'blind' A/B/C comp between a 'high end' cable (pi... 
You were right about adding a sub.
If you want to play with delay/timing between your mains and a sub, I'd suggest a digital crossover.  I mess about with a Behringer DCX2496...variable timing, slopes, types, points, whatever boats your floats....Inexpensive, too.  Yes, I know...it... 
Which song has fewest words ever?
mmm....a belch might qualify as a 'word' only if modulated into a word.  I knew a guy back in college who was quite proficient at that.  Gave him something to do with 'beer backup', the former very fond of, the latter creator of prodigious quantit... 
Just wondering...
I'll cast my vote w/emailists on this thread...one notices the subtle differences of a change in one's equipment due to familiarity, having 'trained' oneself to a system response.  In another situation, a 'pedigreed' piece of equipment vs. a Best ... 
active room nuetralizer???
...appealed to me as it would seem to be an easyish thing to DIY....I have a lot of other things I'd drop 3K$ on these days... 
active room nuetralizer???
...and just to add to the mix of things one can do, I ran into this tidbit.  Since I like to 'run the room' eq'd for flat response as much as practical, this seemed a tempting approach...http://jamesromeyn.com/old-pages/home-audio-gear/dsa-1-0-dis... 
Which song has fewest words ever?
Y'all have had your headphones on backwards with too much bass again...Let's see....current One Word contenders is:TequilaDeadWipeoutKoyaanisqatsi('One word' in my local focal locus is at least a syllable, two letters, and 'ah' or 'oy' or 'ya' or ... 
What drugs do you use to enhance your listening experience?
"....shooting a gun or petting the cat ...."Go with the latter.  Either of those doesn't draw unnecessary attention to the following listening session.  Both could be done during, but there's gonna be a break in there at some point for the one...;... 
What drugs do you use to enhance your listening experience?
BTW, going back somewhat towards the original topic...http://motherboard.vice.com/read/the-wall-of-soundA little CA history story for y'all.  For your consideration...;) 
What drugs do you use to enhance your listening experience?
(Laughing) Well, it's 'ancient history' for him.  I suspect that vinyl and records might be mysterious in their appeal to some, but he's your grandson and he's aware of your 'predilection'....so an old version of emotive annotation might seem....q... 
What drugs do you use to enhance your listening experience?
*Laugh* timrhu, old 'webchat' nomenclature.  *Grin*, *LaughOutLoud*, *InMyHumbleOpinion*, and other contractions.  It's gotten out of hand with the text-ers 'IMHO', what with emojis and all that graphical stuff.  If you're not a teenager, who can ... 
What drugs do you use to enhance your listening experience?
tosta, well, sure.  Anything inhaled (other than 'normal air', and it's well-documented as to what it consists of these daze) in major concentrations is bound to have Something Negative traipsing along with it.  Vaping is certainly 'cleaner', dige... 
What drugs do you use to enhance your listening experience?
...and I don't know how that happened.  I'm not 'high' nor 'low' @ this moment.  Although that might be a cure for Monday mornings...;) 
What drugs do you use to enhance your listening experience?
Tostados, 'bout a decade ago I read a report in the Houston Chronicle, buried in the back of section A, regarding the results of a study on regular pot smokers.  Seems they had a lower incidence of lung cancer.  Now, since it was a university do...