

Responses from artemus_5

Replace OL Illustrious 3 with Graham 2.2?
Thanks for the link Dan Ed. The guy I bought the TT from had a triplanar on it but finances did not permit. I had to sneak the OL illustrious in the house. I got a very good deal on it and what few reviews I read gave it much praise. at the time C... 
Replace OL Illustrious 3 with Graham 2.2?
Doug. I never intended to give the idea that the CDP sounded better than the Teres. However, my exuberance over the improvements which the Oyaide R1 AC outlet brought to the cdp did come through. I'm surprised the cdp sounds as good as it does. Ho... 
Replace OL Illustrious 3 with Graham 2.2?
Thanks Doug. Your last statement concerning the 2.2 vs OL was my main question. That said, I would buy the 2.2 if it were an upgrade. They are quite inexpensive right now and that was my reasoning. The picys and listing of my system is out of date... 
Replace OL Illustrious 3 with Graham 2.2?
Thanks Steve. This is info I did not know. What you have described seems to describe what I am hearing and the difference between the TT and cdp.That said, I may have sold the TT somewhat short when it is not the TT's fault, but mine. I have made ... 
Replace OL Illustrious 3 with Graham 2.2?
Is the removable arm wand made for the use of different carts by switching out the arm with pre mounted cart? Also, what is the size of the mounting hole? Im not sure if arm mounts are available for my TT anymore. I could make one but I don't need... 
Turntable Problems...Upgrade from Benz, Funk to???
I'd say you are on target with the scout. I had the scoutmaster and it excelled in the bass area. I'm not that familiar with $200 cart so I cannoy be of much help there. I will say that if you can stretch a bit, the Dyna 20xl or xh will be a good ... 
Tom Evans Groove X, Aesthetix Rhea or JLTI
Thanks Restock. It sounds like I'll have a real treat with the JLTi. I have given high praise for the Wright in the past. I put it in the system when I had a much more modest TT (MMF-7) and the improvement was immense. But I guess the new TT has p... 
Cassette deck enthusiasts......
Teac A 300 was a good one IMO. Three head w/ vu meters. It made very good tapes from my vinyl and was no slouch for palyback either. I had that one back in the day. Don't know about parts etc, but I still have it in the closet. 
What is your dream turntable?
Teres 340 is more than I dreamed of. I lusted over a 265 from the day I saw it and set my goal there. I never imagined I'd have such a nice TT. I'm very thankful for such blessings 
Tom Evans Groove X, Aesthetix Rhea or JLTI
Restock. What improvements did the JLTi bring over the Wright? Also, what loading values are offered?Dopogue, et al. Thanks for your input on the Rhea. I really like the features of the Rhea. Who can argue with remote control loading?The ASR is al... 
purchasing a Scout/Scoutmaster: need input please
Agypsy, I tried to edit my original post but another poster posted before i got it posted. I asked some of the same questions before I bought the Scoutmaster. The answer I got then was that the Scoutmaster was a big upgrade over the Scout.I can as... 
purchasing a Scout/Scoutmaster: need input please
Agypsy, I am the owner of the Scoutmaster you listed and I can tell you I would not be selling that table if I had not run across my dream table.My wife told me not to buy my new TT because the system sounded great with the Scoutmaster 
Isolation for a table for floors with movement
If you must beef up your floor you could remove the sheetrock below and put new joists between the existing, spanning from bearing wall to bearing wall. This would make for 8" o.c. which should make for great rigidity.Also, consider that I have a ... 
Mylar tape on Teres has lots of static.
Thanks Doug. This has been my normal procedure. I started it once with the switch and could tell there was a strain. 
Isolation for a table for floors with movement
From a builders perspective, you are on a road towards disaster with that plan. Concrete is extremely heavy and needs to be engineered and built with steel rebar to be self supporting with a load. This is not the kind of thing you do with wooden j...