
Responses from arsh

Looking for new DAC: one box or two?
Thanks Zd542. I did understand that, hence my "thanks for the clarification." I just didn't want the thread to devolve. My CDP does sound better with my DAC than without it (though it was 10-11 years ago that I made that comparison). What has been... 
Looking for new DAC: one box or two?
I should note that I have read whatever I can find here about EAR, but would like to hear up to date comments in the context of my question and the other gear I have mentioned. Thanks again. 
Looking for new DAC: one box or two?
I'm particularly interested in hearing about the EAR DACs and spinners. Thanks. 
Looking for new DAC: one box or two?
Thanks for the clarification guys. I would request that we please redirect the conversation toward my topic. Anyone care to add their comments on that please? 
Looking for new DAC: one box or two?
Any comments regarding the EAR DAC? Thanks. 
Looking for new DAC: one box or two?
Thanks for the great recommendations, Gpgr4blu. Would love to listen to those, but don't have any local dealers unfortunately. I have been reading more about EAR, and their Acute4/DAC 4; they are also coming out with a new CDP/DAC (Acute 5). Will ... 
Looking for new DAC: one box or two?
Thank you for the suggestions, Hew. I have read about Lampizator and a little about Metrum. I will look up BMC. My list at the moment includes Aesthetix Pandora, Ear DAC 4, playback designs mpd-3, Rowland Aeris, and possibly an Esoteric K-03 or K-... 
Looking for new DAC: one box or two?
Coli, which ones do you consider "snake oil?" Thanks. 
Looking for new DAC: one box or two?
Thanks Zd542. Point well taken. 
Looking for new DAC: one box or two?
Thanks Coli. This is getting confusing. Are you suggesting that my old TriVista would still be competitive with today's DACs? I guess the only way for me to know is an A-B comparison in my system. But I had assumed that new ones would easily beat ... 
Looking for new DAC: one box or two?
Thanks, Zd542. I would love to hear more advice from you all. 
Looking for new DAC: one box or two?
Thanks Dfarmer. I really have dragged my feet on the computer audio thing, but I do want to get a DAC that will allow me to do what you suggest. I assume you have the Ayre? Do you have any experience with other DACs? How did you rip your cds? Thanks! 
Looking for new DAC: one box or two?
Thank you guys very much for your responses. So, does anyone have some suggestions of particular DACs? I have read several of the threads here already. Are any of the usual suspects a particularly good match for my system? Thanks. 
Looking for new DAC: one box or two?
Thanks George. I need to educate myself a bit (no pun intended) on the subject of DAC chips. I do like the sound I have, but I really have not listened to any other DACs in my system. What other suggestions do you have besides what you mentioned? 
Looking for new DAC: one box or two?
Thanks George. I have had the left channel tube(s?) go out twice. Last repair was 2-3 yrs ago. Are you very familiar with this DAC? If so, would you please comment on how it compares to modern DACs? Thanks!