
Responses from arsh

System assessment--should I change amps?
Thanks Zd542. I will investigate the Ayre. I know what you mean about the digital side, but, strangely enough I really enjoy the sound of CDs played through my digital front end. Very musical, lifelike, and never fatiguing. That being said, I do l... 
Musical Fidelity KW500 and Rowland Continuum S2
Thanks Ricred. That is very helpful info. Much appreciated. 
Musical Fidelity KW500 and Rowland Continuum S2
Thanks Ricred1. How do the JR amps do with the high frequencies? Is the presentation lively, musical--or a bit "sterile" for want of a better term? 
Musical Fidelity KW500 and Rowland Continuum S2
Thanks a lot, Brauser. Which specific pieces have you owned from both companies? What about the so called "class D sound"? I have never listened to a Rowland or any other class D amp. Thanks. 
System assessment--should I change amps?
Thanks very much, Dave; I will check out the Krell amp. Anyone else with opinions about the KW500 or other integrateds with Wilson speakers? 
Musical Fidelity KW500 and Rowland Continuum S2
Thanks guys. I appreciate your responses. Hifibouncer, have you heard the KW to make a comparison? One of the things I love about it is its lifelike immediacy--it creates a front row perspective; the performers and instruments seem to be right the... 
Musical Fidelity KW500 and Rowland Continuum S2
Anyone with any comments about these at all?? 
System assessment--should I change amps?
Zd542, I mean one that might allow me to hear more fully what the other components in the system can do--better synergy, perhaps. 
System assessment--should I change amps?
Thanks for your responses, Mofi and Samac. 
Should I upgrade power cord for my preamp?
How about power cord upgrades for a Herron VTPH-2 phono preamp? 
Herron VTPH-2 power cord
Thanks Davt. Did you compare it to the stock cord? 
Herron VTPH-2 power cord
No problem Dodgealum. Thanks for responding. 
Soundsmith Paua and static electricity
Thanks for the suggestions. 
Another cartridge suggestion thread
I have Wilson Sophias, Transparent cables, and VPI Scoutmaster with Herron VTPH 2 phono stage. I use a Soundsmith Paua, which is great all around, and especially with the midrange. Great balance, resolution; very low noise floor. I love it. Also, ... 
Hidiamond vs Hifidelity interconnects
Have any of you used the HiDiamond phono cables? Thanks.