
Responses from arsh

Looking for new DAC: one box or two?
Thanks. To some extent my question relates to the relative importance of the transport and the pros/cons of having the transport and DAC together or separate. 
Thinking about buying a different tube preamp...
Abuck,Glad to hear it's getting a bit easier and that your efforts to improve your system are paying off. It's nice when one's system gets so good that it just cannot be ignored--you want to listen every chance you get. I am there too now. Here's ... 
Thinking about buying a different tube preamp...
Just wanted to say that, in reading this thread, I was struck by how music and the gear we use to reproduce it can affect us so profoundly and get us through hard times. My system and my music got me through a really bad time a few years back. It ... 
Any Herron VTPH-2 Phono Stage Owners out there?
I don't think you need one. However, I would recommend you speak with Keith Herron. He is a wealth of information and very willing to answer questions. If you give him the specs of your cartridge and amp, he will tell you how the VTPH-2 would work... 
Any Herron VTPH-2 Phono Stage Owners out there?
I have to echo the other comments about the Herron phono stage as well as Keith Herron. I have had my VTPH-2 for just over a year, and it is fantastic. Keith Herron provides great support and customer service. This product is, in my opinion, an ou... 
"Warm Sounding" Solid State Amplifiers
I used to have an A308 integrated. It was an excellent amp. I hope you enjoy it. Arsh 
Anyone using an HRS platform with VPI Scoutmaster?
Jim,Thanks again for your thoughtful and informative comments. I appreciate your sharing your experience and knowledge on the issue.Best,Arshad 
Anyone using an HRS platform with VPI Scoutmaster?
Wow, both really? Would you mind elaborating please given my question above? Thanks. 
Anyone using an HRS platform with VPI Scoutmaster?
Thanks Hiendmuse and Ebm. I have heard good things about Symposium. Here's a question: with my current setup, if I rap my knuckles against the plinth of the Scoutmaster with the volume at normal listening level, I hear absolutely nothing from the ... 
Anyone using an HRS platform with VPI Scoutmaster?
Jim, thanks very much for your informative comments. I appreciate it.Arsh 
Anyone using an HRS platform with VPI Scoutmaster?
Thanks Jperry. I see you use it with an SME table. Have you tried any other isolation platforms? are there any downsides to the Vibraplane? 
System assessment--should I change amps?
Bostonbean and Mapman,The NuVista does have tubes (Nuvistors). It's a hybrid tubed pre/solid state power amp. All was pretty good before, with my KW500 (also a hybrid but different tubes and technology)--but even better now with the NuVista. Still... 
System assessment--should I change amps?
Spencer, thanks for your advice and suggestions. I will look into those. And, thanks for the congrats on the Sashas. I am looking forward to their arrival. 
System assessment--should I change amps?
Thanks Jasonsim and Spencer. I appreciate the suggestions. Actually, I have changed to a Musical Fidelity NuVista 800 amp, and I am awaiting the arrival of Wilson Sashas next month. The NuVista is fantastic!! As for the DAC, that is intriguing. Sp... 
Are my speakers now the "weak link"?
Thanks everyone, and sorry Joey. I wasn't ignoring your comment. I like the Wilson sound and the Sasha is great. I also love the Musical Fidelity gear I have. I have heard Ayre, but not with Wilsons, that I can recall. Joey, what MuFi gear have yo...