
Responses from arsh

Herron VTPH 2--what cables are you using?
Thanks Chuck. I appreciate it. 
Herron VTPH 2--what cables are you using?
Thanks again. What difference did you hear, and did you do this simultaneously with cable change or separately  
Herron VTPH 2--what cables are you using?
Thanks Chuck. I'll check out their website. From most of these responses, it seems I should hopefully hear even better performance with a cable change. 
Herron VTPH 2--what cables are you using?
Hi Chuck, thanks. I'm not familiar with HGA cables? Did you notice a big improvement with them, and what is their cost? Thanks. 
Herron VTPH 2--what cables are you using?
Thanks Violin. Another very helpful comment. I have some Transparent Reference MM2 cables coming (to match the rest of my cables) to try with the VTPH2. I'm excited to hear the results! I would welcome and appreciate any other comments from those ... 
Herron VTPH 2--what cables are you using?
Thanks davt. That's very helpful. I've been wondering if I'm hearing everything the vtph2 is capable of. 
Herron VTPH 2--what cables are you using?
Thank you very much for your responses, I appreciate them very much. I would love to hear more from people like dodgealum who have also been able to compare the Herron interconnects against other cables. 
Herron VTPH 2--what cables are you using?
Thanks Davt. Did you ever have the opportunity to compare the Audience to Herron cables? 
Should I consider a cartridge upgrade?
Hi Inna, I know what you mean!  As for the equipment, I have had my own equipment for a long time. The only piece of gear which I am using from my father's system is his old turntable.  
Should I consider a cartridge upgrade?
Stringreen, thanks. However, when I called VPI, they were not helpful. I think some technician relayed answers to my questions via a receptionist.  Apparently he could not be bothered to speak with me himself.  From those answers, I gathered that ... 
Should I consider a cartridge upgrade?
Hi Inna,sounds like you may have a psychologist wife also? It is certainly an educational experience. She has diagnosed obsessive behavior when it comes to my hi-fi! 
Should I consider a cartridge upgrade?
Thanks for that info, noromance. Much appreciated. 
Should I consider a cartridge upgrade?
Thanks noromance. Did you do that yourself, or did Keith do the mods? What have you noticed with the change? 
Has anyone heard the Soundsmith cartridges?
I have a Zephyr Mk II and a Paua. They are really outstanding cartridges. And, Soundsmith (Peter et al) provide top notch customer service.  I have not heard a Dynavector, so cannot compare. 
Should I consider a cartridge upgrade?
Thanks bobvinyl. I appreciate your opinion.  I had pretty much decided to stand pat for the time being, after reading the various responses and soliciting some expert opinions as well. I do think that when there is a significantly better Tonearm m...