
Responses from argyro

Purist Audio "Purist 20th Anniversary" I/C
Jfrech thanks for your response!:)These cables continue to amaze me! I have connected the Gryphon Diablo integrated with the EMM LABS CDSA driving the Verity Sarastro speakers.Usually when I audition a cable it drives my attention to one of its at... 
Thinking of the BAT VK-55 with 2905's
Does the MC2102 have a protection circuit? So the amp turns off or something when pushed to the limits?Regards,Michael 
Amp for Verity Audio Sarastro
Lappiere I have a dedicated line. I doubt the lack of the filter is problem. Cause that could give me only an increment of more power. I need some serious power amp!!Gregm thanks a lot for your time my friend, very interesting findings. What do yo... 
Amp for Verity Audio Sarastro
Guys thanks a lot for your anwsers!@JayboDo you think that with a solid state Mcintosh I will retain the sweet midrange but also drive my speakers to their limits?@jmcgrogan2I have heard the Sarastro performing rock amazing with the LAMM monoblock... 
Kharma FE 3.2 - be careful, space crucial
I owned the 3.2s for 3 years and I never managed to make them sound as I wanted. A typical audiophile speaker for me. At times it really drove me nuts. I can understand why people gett impressed demoing them but it's a different thing owning them.... 
Upgrade Verity Parsifal Ovation
My dealer told me, there is an upgrade both from the Encore to Ovation and from Sarastro 1 to Sarastro 2.I wouldn't do it though.I think the Parsifal Encore and the Sarastro 1 are better. The second models are more bright to appeal to the typical ... 
Verity Audio Lohengrin: WOW Can't beleive this...
I think only the drivers of the Lohengrin cost around 10K. But I suppose is the results that counts and not the cost of the individual componenents. 
Verity Audio Lohengrin: WOW Can't beleive this...
I know this post is very old, but I also had a chance of listening at these great speakers with Nagra VPA as well and I can truly say it is easily the best sound I have heard in my entire life. I own the Verity Sarastro but the Lohengrin is in a c... 
Hyperion HPS-938 speakers
Congratulation on the excellent amp your purchased!Im almost sure that is going to match perfectly both with your speakers and your Nordost cables.My friend your problems are probably solved.Happy Listening! 
Do I really want the musicians in my room?
Aggielaw lately I have EXACTLY the same thoughts with you!I think the most accurate and interesting and to be the studio of the recording and not musicians in your roomRegards,Michael 
Hyperion HPS-938 speakers
An aslo I agree with Ozyy about the Nordost cables. I had my system all wired up with valhallas and I got rid of them. All nordost have a unique sound that suppose is a good match only for dark sounding systems. Its definitely not a good match wit... 
Hyperion HPS-938 speakers
Also the Consonance droplet is a very nice cd player! 
Hyperion HPS-938 speakers
The Αrcam most definitely is the problem. Try a true 2-channel amp preferably a musical one like the Mcintosh and your problem will be gone!Take one to audition at your home and you will see.Regards,Michael 
Hyperion HPS-938 speakers
What amp do you use?They are nice speakers from what I heard at the recent hi-end show. Although I should a agree with you that they had a bright character wilson-like. 
Which speakers will fill 5,000 cubic ft coherently
Maybe you can try the Verity Parsifals!