
Responses from argyro

the best CD player between 6'000 - 10'000 $ ?
When we talk about digital playback there are 3-4 companies which are the pioneers and EVERYBODY else is following.These companies are:dCSEMM LABSWEISS and one more I cant remember their name. Period 
the best CD player between 6'000 - 10'000 $ ?
EMM LABS CDSA if you like accuracy AMR if you like musicallity 
Virtual Dynamics Revelation-2 speaker cables
Guys I've almost reached 150 hours and today my jaw dropped for the first time! I had started getting really worried that I bought the cable, I even started getting worried about my system!!!What a transformation throught these 150 hours!!!I'm hap... 
Best Integrated, period.
Perrew thanks for your comments!I compared the Diablo against Graff (many models), Consonance (single ended and forbidden city), Mcintosh MC-2102+C2200, aesthetix calypso + atlas, edge (the 10.000 model), nagra ( the pyramid monblocks) are quite a... 
Best Integrated, period.
I own the Gryphon Diablo for the past 2 years, and all I can is that it is an excellent amp that Im completely satisfied with! It beats a lot of separates even more expensive ones. 
about to jump into the power cord foray
Contact Virtual Dynamics. You cant find a better cable for your dollar. 
Which is the best CD-Player up to $ 10k ?
Bottom line is that both the EMM and the AMR are great players. The rest is system and "ear" dependant! 
Hi Hatari!I know what you mean. It happens to me too. Everything is going great but we still want that little bit better. The thing is not to ruin things or "sidegrade". Happy Listening my friend!Michael 
Which is the best CD-Player up to $ 10k ?
I'll say it in a different way.EMM LABS approach:We believe in cd playback and we try to get the best out of it.AMR approach:We believe cd playback is flawed by design and we use tubes to get a better result. 
Which is the best CD-Player up to $ 10k ?
In my opinion the AMR does not lack resolution at all. I had the chance of auditioning it in my system. It is a very good player indeed. On the other hand it still sounded somewhat colored to my ears. I just dont get it why a source should have tu... 
Which is the best CD-Player up to $ 10k ?
Guys, thats why our hobby is so greatAs Audiofeil said you can reach the desired results following many different approaches. It would be boring any other way.Regards,Michael 
Which is the best CD-Player up to $ 10k ?
Audiofeil of course that's true. But I think its two times wrong to start with an altered signal cause it is then multiplied. 
Which is the best CD-Player up to $ 10k ?
I suppose its obvious I'm just stating my own opinion. I havent perform a poll yet.:) But I think the signal should leave the source as it is. The source should not alter the signal in any way.IMHORegards,Michael 
Which is the best CD-Player up to $ 10k ?
If you like a soft, pleasing sound, with more body that what was recorded go for the AMR. If you like to hear what is exactly written on the cd (WITHOUT BEING HARSH) go for the EMM LABS CDSA. 
If money is not a problem
All speakers, even the most expensive have limitations.If money wasnt a problem, from the speakers I have heard I would buy the Verity Lohengrin, and from the speakers I havent heard either the Kharma Grand Exquisite or the Genesis 1.1.